Debating the ACA Individual Mandate

Whether you support or have issue with the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate…I would hope you at least support stripping it out of the tax reform cut legislation currently before Congress. Now the mandate says that every individual must have health insurance either through their employer, the ACA exchanges or…

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2018 Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment Is Going On NOW!

P.S. I believe Medicare is now too.

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Trump’s Handling of the ACA is Criminal

Obviously President Trump ran on repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. And we all know that the Republicans in Congress have been singing that song for the past seven plus years. And they introduced three separate really nasty repeal and replace bills since the president’s inauguration in January that…

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The Gig Economy: More Support For Single Payer Universal Health Care!

We’ve written about universal health care a number of times. How it would encourage more entrepreneurs to start businesses knowing that they had health insurance, how small business owners wouldn’t have to compete for talent with bigger businesses because they couldn’t provide health insurance, and how employees would be more…

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Where Is The Democrats Single Payer Option?

Back in 2009/2010, right or wrong, the Obama Administration decided that the nation wasn’t ready for a single payer health care insurance plan. So after a lot of internal hand wringing and self inflicted concessions we ended up with a Romney-care look alike called the Affordable Care Act. It was…

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What IS Wrong With Obamacare?

So what really is wrong with Obamacare, aka, the Affordable Care Act? Well there are any number of fundamental things that could be fixed or overhauled that would make it work far better than it does today. But what is the basic affliction that keeps it from being successful? The…

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Governor Walker Should Accept the Medicaid Expansion NOW!

From what I have read about the House and Senate heath insurance bills…it sounds like the states who accepted the Medicaid expansion will fair far better than those states that didn’t. So Governor Walker…it’s time to accept the Medicaid expansion portion of the Affordable Care Act before it’s too late…

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Scott Walker Is A Pre-existing Condition

And a member of a high risk pool that we can’t afford. Ok, let’s put the puns aside for a minute, but since the passage of the House version of the American Health Care Act…another reason that Governor Scott Walker should not be re-elected has been exposed. After passage of…

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OTOH: Insurer and the Affordable Care Act

I am not going to do much commenting on this item…just pretty much grab a couple of key quotes and let it go at that…and please see the different view in the previous post: Blue Cross-Blue Shield insurer Anthem covers more than 1 million people on the exchanges and said…

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OT1H: Insurer and the Affordable Care Act

I am not going to do much commenting on this item…just pretty much grab a couple of key quotes and let it go at that…and then add a different view in the next post: One health insurer is eager to dive back into the Affordable Care Act’s troubled insurance exchanges…

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