Senator Ron Johnson Is Trying To Save Obamacare

Remember our Senator Ron Johnson’s lawsuit against Obamacare? Who can forget one of the most inane things he’s done in Washington so far in is term as senator. Well apparently the GOP wised up to the fact they states led by GOP governors who refused to set up their own…

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Federal judge throws out Ron Johnson’s Obamacare lawsuit

Not surprising news via the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Madison — A federal judge in Green Bay on Monday threw out a lawsuit brought by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and one of his aides attempting to force members of Congress and their staffs to stop getting subsidies for their health…

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SCOTUS Turn Their Own Decisions Into A Moving Target

Just days after opening a second front on the war on women, the Supreme Court of the United States back tracks on one of the alternatives they delineated in their Hobby Lobby decision. No really! Birth Control Order Deepens Divide Among Justices WASHINGTON — In a decision that drew an…

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Hobby Lobby Ruling Should Move Us Toward Single Payer Health Coverage

Any number of GOP pundits have condemned the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) as the start of the slippery slope to single payer health care in the United States. To that I can add, I only hope! But as part of yesterday’s Supreme Court Ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby’s…

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State Senator Grothman Suffering From Raging Myopia

In an article about the egregious Supreme Court ruling in favor of ‘freedom of religion’ for Hobby Lobby in the second front on the war against woman, State Senator Glenn Grothman celebrated his deep sense of provincialism: “The Supreme Court ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby is a big win…

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I Am Not Surprised: Justices Rule in Favor of Hobby Lobby

“Supreme Court Rejects Contraceptives Mandate for Some Corporations“: WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that requiring family-owned corporations to pay for insurance coverage for contraception under the Affordable Care Act violated a federal law protecting religious freedom. It was, the dissent said, “a decision of startling breadth.” The…

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Baldwin to Walker: where are the healthcare coverage numbers?

On Thursday Democratic U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin sent a letter to Republican Gov. Scott Walker in which she asked Gov. Walker for an update on his efforts to transition the nearly 63,000 Wisconsinites who will lose their BadgerCare coverage thanks to decisions made by Gov. Walker. Specifically, Sen. Baldwin requested…

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Window Closing for Health Insurance: Sign Up Now!

From my email inbox…a reminder from Senator Vinehout…that time’s a wasting and Wisconsin’s uninsured need to act now: “I was getting the run-around,” the Eau Claire woman told me. She tried to get health insurance through the federal website and was told she was eligible for Medicaid coverage in…

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Outstanding Ignoramus of the Month.

This month’s award recognizing an outstanding achievement in rank ignorance is given to state Rep. Amy Loudenbeck (R-Clinton).  Loudenbeck, in response to a bill put forth by state Rep Melissa Sargent which would allow individual counties access to federal Affordable Care Act money to expand Medicaid for their respective residents,…

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Jim Sensenbrenner: Ron Johnson lawsuit against Affordable Care Act “an unfortunate political stunt”

Apparently Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner isn’t a fan of Sen. Ron Johnson’s lawsuit over the Affordable Care Act. U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson is being accused of “an unfortunate political stunt” by one of his fellow Wisconsin Republicans. Rep. James Sensenbrenner released a statement Sunday criticizing Johnson for planning to file…

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