Why the U.S. will never face a Greece-type meltdown

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry of Forbes.com has an excellent piece outlining why the U.S. will never face an economic meltdown akin to what’s happening in Greece. If there’s one article of faith in Washington (and elsewhere), it’s the idea that the United States might get into a debt crisis if it doesn’t…

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Austerity Dealt A Crushing Blow in Germany

Angela Merkel’s conservative party, whose government has led the austerity charge in the Eurozone, has suffered a stunning electoral defeat in Germany’s largest state on Sunday.  The left is rising across Europe. The election in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), a western German state with a bigger population than the Netherlands and…

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The Economic Picture from the ACTUAL Far Left

Unlike The Phantom Menace version of Socialism paraded around at Tea Party rallies where Obama is compared to Stalin, there are actual socialists in the world who hold actual socialist views of what’s happening in the economy.  Sometimes it’s useful to listen to these voices, not because they are right…

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Mitt Romney on deficit reduction: “as you cut spending you’ll slow down the economy.”

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in a rare moment of candor during a campaign even in Michigan: “If you just cut, if all you’re thinking about doing is cutting spending, as you cut spending you’ll slow down the economy.” Romney’s comment was quickly walked back by his campaign, presumably because…

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IMF Report Calls for Slowing Austerity in US, Focus on Growth Instead

The IMF questions calls for more austerity in the United States. There are many other advanced economies, however, where fiscal policy has more freedom. If growth slows, these countries should avoid further fiscal tightening. They should allow the impact of an economic downturn on revenues and spending on things like…

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Someone FINALLY Switched A LIght on in Europe!

It looks like European leaders have finally come to the realization that “expansionary austerity” is a myth. A draft of the European Union summit meeting communiqué calls for ‘‘growth-friendly consolidation and job-friendly growth,’’ an indication that European leaders  have come to realize that austerity measures, like those being put in…

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Things NOT Learned from the Eurozone Crisis

Two important lessons.

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90 Years of Austerity

Did you know that it wasn’t until October 2010 that Germany finally paid of the last of its Versailles Treaty obligations from 1919 closing the books on World War I?

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Walker’s Budget at Work in Waukesha

The people of Waukesha are going to get what they voted for with Walker’s new budget.  Let’s look at some of the fun stuff that we who live in the Land of Mordor (with lawns) have to look forward to.

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