Join Chris Larson to support Sandy Pasch

From my email inbox comes news of an upcoming event in support of Democratic State Rep. Sandy Pasch, who’s running in the recall election for the State Senate seat currently held by Republican State Senator Alberta Darling.

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May’s Drinking Liberally – Come join State Senator Chris Larson!

At this month’s Drinking Liberally we’ll be joined by Democratic State Senator Chris Larson, one of the Wisconsin 14: Greetings one and all! It’s hard to believe, but we have just one short week until our next meeting! Next week Monday, May 16 we’ll gather to eat, drink, and talk…

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Republicans shut out working families in budget debate

Yesterday Republican State Rep. Robin Vos and Republican State Senator Alberta Darling, the co-Chairs of the Joint Finance Committee (JFC), refused to allow citizens arriving at the JFC’s public hearing in West Allis after 12:00 p.m. to testify on the 2011-2013 biennial budget proposed by Gov. Scott Walker. In addition…

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Chris Larson & Jason Haas to highlight Jeff Stone’s plan to give away the airport

Tomorrow Democratic State. Sen. Chris Larson will be joined by Milwaukee County Board District 14 Supervisor Candidate Jason Haas at the Main Terminal of Mitchell Field at 8:45 a.m. to discuss their opposition to Republican County Executive candidate Jeff Stone’s secret plans essentially to give away the county-owned airport. After…

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Sen. Chris Larson to hold a town hall on February 24, 2011

State Sen. Chris Larson, State Rep. Jon Richards, and Milwaukee Alderman Nik Kovac will hold a joint town hall meeting on February 24. Here are the details:

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Inside the Capitol today

Here’s some video of the scene inside the Wisconsin Capitol building today… On a related note, all 14 Democratic State Senators have left the Capitol – and possibly the state – as they stand in solidarity with Wisconsin’s public employees. In a tweet shortly after it was reported Senate Democrats…

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Sen. Larson’s statement in support of Wisconsin’s public employees

This is why I’m glad Chris Larson, and not Jeff Plale, is my State Senator: On Friday, Governor Scott Walker announced that he would be using the budget adjustment bill to reverse 50 years of Wisconsin history and go after worker rights. If passed, the balance in our society will…

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It’s all about job creation!!!!

….or not… But remember, Republicans said during the 2010 election they’d be focused like lasers on job creation!

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A couple of Milwaukee County election tidbits

Just a couple of Milwaukee County-related election notes to relay to you all this morning… State Senator-elect Chris Larson resigned his seat on the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors yesterday, and in one of his last acts in office Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker issued an executive order declaring that…

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Blame the blogosphere for Jeff Plale’s vote? Nope, blame Jeff Plale!

This is funny… According to Fred Dooley over at “Real Debate” Wisconsin, yours truly and my “left wing blog pals” – along with the unions deserting him – are the reason State Sen. Jeff Plale lost the Democratic State Senate primary to Chris Larson, and as a result, the reason…

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