Wisconsin Election Laws Need Candidates To Prove They Belong To The Party They Claim to Represent

During the recalls and in several state and local elections, both parties have complained about candidates running as spoilers under one party’s banner while actually supporting the agenda or platform of the opposition party. And now we have Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke who has historically run as a Democrat…

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Shaun King: Here’s why I’m leaving the Democratic Party after this presidential election and you should too

In a piece posted on the New York Daily News website, writer, entrepreneur, preacher and civil rights activist Shaun King outlined why he plans on leaving the Democratic Party following the conclusion of the 2016 presidential election. Here’s a snippet from King’s piece, which is worth a read in its…

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UWM’s Participation In the 2016 Presidential Campaign

With Wisconsin still in play before the April 5th primary election, both parties were very active around the state. And the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee played a pivotal role in the campaigns. The Democratic Debate visited campus on February 11th and utilized the Zelazo Center which is an arts…

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Lawrence Lessig: I’m Trying to Run for President, but the Democrats Won’t Let Me

This…a million times this! Like Clinton and Sanders and O’Malley, I believe America needs urgent and important reform: it needs a minimum wage that is a living wage, it needs climate change legislation, it needs to respect the equality of citizens and end—finally—the second class status that too many Americans…

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Marc Pocan: Democratic Party lost from fear to express progressive values

During an interview on February 7, 2015, Democratic Rep. Marc Pocan shared his thoughts on the path forward for the Democratic Party in the wake of its crippling electoral losses last year.

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William Greider: How the Democratic Party Lost Its Soul

This is a must-readfrom William Greider of The Nation. The blowout election of 2014 demonstrates that the Democratic Party is utterly out of touch with ordinary people and their adverse circumstances. Working people have known this for some time now, but this year, the president made the disconnection more obvious….

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Howard Dean: ‘Where the Hell Is the Democratic Party?’ (VIDEO)

During a recent appearance on Meet the Press, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean said he believes Democrats suffered a bad midterm election because they lacked a clear message. “Where the hell is the Democratic party?” Dean asked. “You’ve got to stand for something if you want to win.” Here’s video…

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“…an environment that’s not just polarized but tribal…”

The modern Republican party has become so severely dysfunctional that it is destroying the body politic. From a discussion by Tom Mann and Norm Ornstein at U.C. Berkeley on May 18, 2012: Norm Ornstein: And let me just add, in a personal note, Tom and I have had great success as partners…

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CNN on how the Democrats plan on regaining the house

Video clip from CNN on how the Democrats plan on regaining the house by gaining 25 seats.

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