New Steps In American Fascism: New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party

New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party Here is the text: The Florida Democratic party would not exist if a new Senate bill is passed and signed into law. Spring Hill Republican Senator Blaise Ingoglia has filed SB 1248, which would be called “The Ultimate Cancel Act.” While it does…

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Influential Group of Bi-partisan Lawmakers Unveil ” Gofundme/Lemonade Health Insurance Act of 2021″.

In a rare show of near unanimous and almost unheard of cooperation in Washington DC, the leadership of both major political parties today held a press conference on Capitol Hill and unveiled what they are heralding as a ” fix” to America’s long standing health care cost problems. ” The…

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Of Money and Mouths

Two dozen House Democrats have sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris urging them to overrule Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth McDonough and keep a $15 minimum wage in Biden’s American Rescue Plan. House Democrats passed their version of the American Rescue Plan on Friday with the…

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Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

It was a little over a year ago that the Democratic Party started in with what appears now to have been a coordinated, public handwringing over the prospect of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at the top of the 2020 ticket. In a Politico piece from January 2020 Rep. Cedric Richmond…

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Joe Biden Will Not Attend Convention IN Milwaukee

Because of continued concerns with the COVID-19 pandemic (and because Milwaukee and Wisconsin are considered hot spots, I imagine), presumed Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden will not travel to Milwaukee to appear at the Democratic National Convention. Joe Biden won’t be traveling to Milwaukee for the 2020 Democratic National Convention….

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Tulsi Gabbard Voted “Present”??

Well Representative Tulsi Gabbard (? – HI) certainly is continuing to stake out her position as an outlier…by voting present on both articles of impeachment. I would have preferred she vote against them rather than this wishy/washy position that she has taken. She is not a leader. “After doing my…

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Bernie Sanders Throws Himself Under The Bus

I have remained fairly neutral around the Democratic contenders while watching how things were going to shake out. And I am looking forward to the upcoming Democratic debates despite the huge number of candidates on each evening. I hadn’t ruled anyone out although I have three or four favorites. But…

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Nancy Pelosi Is The New Speaker of the House, BUT:

The news articles are already flowing about this Dem wanting to subpoena the president’s taxes. And that Dem wants to start impeachment proceedings. And this Dem wants to open over sight hearings on this and that Dem wants to open over sight hearings on that! STOP IT ALL READY!!! The…

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Apparently Bernie Sanders Just Isn’t A Joiner

Senator Bernie Sanders (I – VT), a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist, created all kinds of turmoil when he ran for president in 2016 under the banner of the Democratic Party. Although he often caucused with the Democrats in the Senate, he was proud to be labelled an Independent. A label…

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Short Note to Democratic Party Associated Organizations

Just damn stop it. If you want/need some money from me just ask. Send out a well written fund raising letter/email and ask. I am fed up with the scare headlines and messy looking emails with the 10 different suggested donation amounts. Act like grown ups…act like professionals…treat me with…

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