Guns Don’t Kill People…BULL-oney!

After every mass murder we see the same message from supposed Second Amendment defenders: Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. This simplistic notion ignores the fact that guns are far more impersonal weapons than nearly anything else available to an individual and make it far easier to distance themselves…

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Don Pridemore: women in abusive relationships should not seek divorces

Republican State Rep. Don “white” Pridemore, speaking in support of the bill he co-sponsored with State Sen. Glenn Grothman that says single parenting is a contributing factor to child abuse (emphasis added): The bill’s co-sponsor, Representative Don Pridemore, told TODAY’S TMJ4 he thinks even in abusive relationships, there are other…

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MPD officers allowed to stay on force despite domestic violence incidents, convictions

This is absolutely chilling: When Robert Velez’s wife left their home to escape his abuse, he used his Milwaukee police training – and his badge – to track her down. First, Velez connected his missing wife to the Exel Inn hotel chain. He initially showed his badge at the Wauwatosa…

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Will Alberta Darling give back campaign contributions she received from alleged domestic violence offender?

By now you may have heard the tragic story of Charles McNeer, the retired chairman and CEO of Wisconsin Energy Corporation, who was charged last week with attempting to kill his wife, Ann, at their Erin residence in late June. According to a criminal complaint filed in Washington County, McNeer…

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David VanderLeest’s victim speaks out

From the fine folks over at PolitiScoop comes yet another breaking news story regarding Republican State Senate candidate David VanderLeest, the lone Republican challenger to incumbent Democratic State Senator Dave Hansen, who is facing a recall election next week. Here’s a snippet from PolitiScoop’s interview with Rachel Gerritsen, VanderLeest’s ex-wife…

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The real David Rivera

It’s likely you’ve never heard of David Rivera, and I couldn’t blame you. After all, Rivera, a Republican, is running for the House seat representing Florida’s 25th Congressional District. However, as Down With Tyranny! points out, what’s really interesting about David Rivera is that he’s the anointed candidate for Repbulicans,…

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Friday news and notes

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting that despite his nomination being returned to President Obama, Louis Butler’s name will be resubmitted as the president’s nominee to fill a spot on the federal bench in Wisconsin’s Western District. President Obama is set to meet with union leaders in the next few…

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Domestic violence-related homicides up in 2009

Despite good news out of Milwaukee that the number of homicides in that city is hovering near a 20-year low, statewide the number of domestic violence homicides may hit a 10-year high: There were 36 domestic violence homicides in 2008. Preliminary data indicate that there were at least 46 domestic…

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A “memorial shoot” to honor a victim of gun violence?

Q. What’s the best way to memorialize a victim of deadly gun violence, and what’s the best way to raise money for orphans of a horrific murder-suicide involving a 9 mm handgun and a shotgun? A. Why, get the whole gang together down at the gun store and shoot off…

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Eight states consider domestic violence a “pre-existing condition

In eight states (Idaho, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming), women who survived domestic violence can be denied health insurance coverage on the grounds that domestic violence is a pre-existing condition. I’ve written about the notion of domestic violence as a pre-existing condition, and I…

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