Damn Those Federal Mandated Insurance Programs!

One of the slams on the Affordable Care Act by the GOP are the mandates requiring Americans to buy health insurance. Anyone who’s followed the conversation knows that the mandate is in the law so that young healthier Americans are forced to participate to help offset the cost for older…

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Apparent Time Compression in The White House: Forever is a Long Long Time!

Today, President Donald Trump said he couldn’t leave troops and federal workers in Puerto Rico for hurricane relief forever…dude…it’s only been three weeks! And by the way…it’s an American territory! It should always have troops and federal workers…just sayin’

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The Unemployed Should Be On To Houston: A New Diaspora?

The devastation in Houston is overwhelming and Texas Governor Greg Abbott is estimating costs to recover will be $180 – 200 Billon. No small potatoes…and they are going to be short of laborers to do the work…and would like to employ the undocumented laborers all ready on site. That’s another…

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Don’t Have A Natural Disaster During the Trump Regime

It is certainly an expected function of the federal government to come to the aid of Americans and local governments that need exceptional aid as the result of natural disasters: tornados, earth quakes, flood and hurricanes for example. But while draining the swamp, President Trump apparently lost the memo. In…

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Disgraced former FEMA Director Mike Brown attacks President Obama for responding “too quickly” to Hurricane Sandy

Mike Brown, the disgraced former Director of FEMA, has brass balls… Yesterday, ahead of the storm’s pummeling of the eastern seaboard, Brown gave an interview to the local alternative paper, the Denver Westword, on how he believed the Obama administration was responding to Sandy too quickly and that Obama had…

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Mitt Romney: We don’t need no stinkin’ FEMA

OK…I apologize…I got carried away with the paraphrase in the headline. What Mr. Romney actually said is the federal government should pass disaster recovery on to the states or even better on to private enterprise where ever possible. So those of you on the east coast who have lost power,…

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