Tag: Jeff Weigand
Can you believe Luther Olsen?
Luther Olsen was recently at a Fund Raiser where he heaped much praise on Rol Church. “We also have a treat today,” Olsen said, saying his supporters were going to “meet someone today that you are going to remember.” “There’s a guy who knows who he is,” he continued. “He…
Show me what democracy looks like
PLEASE!!! In the Village of Cottage Grove, we found out recently, that we have a royal family and no one is allowed in and no one can be voted out. As I wrote yesterday the Village Board was getting ready to appoint registered (secret) lobbyist Paula Severson to fill out…
Republican Thugs….
Assemblyman Fred Clark, recently announced his plans to run against Luther Olson , who is subject to a recall election. The local Democratic party rented a room in the Baraboo Civic Center to allow Assemblyman Clarke to announce his intention to run for Olson\'s seat. Unfortunately, while Olson used to…
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