Author: Jeff Simpson
MITT – mentum
The Romney Campaign continues to connect with the republican voters – all 6 of them. As Yahoo points out: Mitt Romney set a record with at least two of Tuesday’s primary wins, but it’s an achievement the presumptive Republican nominee probably won’t be bragging about. The former Massachusetts governor won…
Reprsentative Chris Taylor Endorses Kathleen Falk
Freshman Rep. Christine Taylor Endorses Kathleen Falk;
Robin Vos is an Ass
and Neil Heinen is a fool! I know I have called Robin Vos a Hingst before, but he perpetually becomes more and more of an ass everyday! It has nothing to do with the fact that he is also an unethical slumlord either. This does not even relate to the…
Scott Walker Strikes Again – Update
I wrote this morning about Scott Walker's latest attack on teachers. This morning Katy Lounsbury was on SLY explaining this in further detail: The rule redefines base wages for public employees as something other than what a teacher makes right now. No performance pay, overtime premium pay, reimbursement or assistance…
Scott Walker Strikes Again
There are a few things that have defined the Walker regime 1. He is perpetually less than honest 2. He has demonized public workers, especially teachers 3. He values people who work for him politically over all others. Now we have a story that Jud from UppityWI brings us a…
Republican Thug Calls for Boycott
Global soft drink company Coca Cola, has read the tea leaves and recently dropped its support of right wing shadow lobbying group ALEC. Alec operated in the shadows for many years and have recently gotten some exposure. Companies and consumers are disgusted by what they see and have been dropping…
Compare/Contrast – Democratic Primary Edition
Today I would like to compare/contrast two different letters sent by the two democratic frontrunners to be the next Governor of our great state. The first letter was written by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and sent to Alberta Darling and Robin Vos: In this letter, Mayor Barrett brought up three…
Fox News Makes Stuff Up!
H/T Talking Points Memo: In a recent campaign-trail speech, President Obama delivered a line that was widely construed as a jab at Mitt Romney. But whether it was a direct jab at Romney was at least arguable until a Fox News host pumped it up with three additional words that…
Why Is The Daily Show So Popular?
Because our current batch of politicians(with a heavy emphasis on republican politicians) are so utterly hypocritical and have no shame. So there was a huge niche available for someone to actually make a living making fun of their character flaws and hypocrisy! Here are some examples: 1. Here are the…
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