OUR Milwaukee County: Next Listening Session Hosted by Bowen And Stamper

Joint Listening Session on County Government to be Held at Washington Park Senior Center April 18 (MILWAUKEE) – Milwaukee County Supervisor David Bowen and Supervisor Russell W. Stamper II will hold a joint “OUR Milwaukee County” listening session at 6:30 April 18 at the Washington Park Senior Center, 4420 W….

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You Can’t Deny That It’s Personal

County Executive Chris Abele has protested that his support of Assembly Bill 85 isn’t personal so frequently that it’s nearly a cliche. The variety of additional follow up comments he has provided have often totally negated the not personal statement on many levels. But assembly Democrats aren’t helping any by…

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Assembly Committee Cleans Up Inconsistencies in Assembly Bill 85

Before approving Assembly Bill 85, Representative San Felippo’s bill to reform Milwaukee County government, the Assembly Government Operations Committee cleaned up a number of inconsistencies in the text of the original bill. First and foremost, they made all of the clauses that used county population as a trigger for implementation…

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Whither MKE County: Sanfelippo Bill on County Reform Passes Committee

After a rather lively debate, the state assembly Government Operations Committee approved Representative Sanfelippo’s Milwaukee county government reform bill (Assembly Bill 85) by a vote of 6 – 3. There is little surprise here and the bill will move to the assembly for a vote next Wednesday. Representative Steve Nass…

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Whither MKE County: So When Is $15,000 A Pittance And When Is It Extravagant?

Let’s start with a very basic factoid that I’ve brought up a time or two this year: $15,080 is minimum wage ($7.25) times 40 hours per week per 52 weeks. And just 60 days ago State Representative Joe Sanfelippo, before he finally introduced ‘his’ bill, was tossing around $15,000 as…

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OUR Milwaukee County: The Next Listening Sessions

If you want a say in how your county operates in the future…take the opportunity to have your voice heard and attend one of these listening sessions: Upcoming OUR Milwaukee Reform Plan Hearings: April 11th Hosted by Supervisor Borkowski, 6:30 p.m. – 9:00p.m. Greenfield High School 4800 S 60th St,…

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OUR Milwaukee County: Joe Sanfelippo Didn’t Write Assembly Bill 85

Certainly by now you have read any number of articles about the involvement of lobbyists in the development of Assembly Bill 85 ~ you know the one ~ the one that Representative Joe Sanfelippo introduced in Madison to reform Milwaukee County government. From Daniel Bice at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:…

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OUR Milwaukee County: Listening Session Hosted by Patricia Jursik

I was able to attend the OUR Milwaukee County listening session hosted by County Supervisor Patricia Jursik in South Milwaukee. Supervisor Jursik titled the event as Restructuring County Government. And I applaud her format for the event, far different and far more effective than the previous two sessions that I…

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Salary Comparison: Your County Supervisor vs. Don Smiley

Don’t you find it just a little bit weird that so many people are getting bent out of shape over a county supervisor, who is responsible for the well being of the county and needs to be responsive to 53,000 residents, making $50,000 per year, but Don Smiley, the purveyor…

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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Profiles County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic!

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has published a very nice profile of Milwaukee Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic. To Marina Dimitrijevic, the South Shore Park Pavilion is a symbol of what is right about Milwaukee County. And it is here where Dimitrijevic, the chairwoman of the Milwaukee County Board, chooses to meet…

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