Whither MKE Cnty: Sanfelippo Backs Off A Bit For Now

After negotiating with four current county supervisors, State Representative Joe Sanfelippo has decided to hold his legislation for a referendum to destroy Milwaukee County government for a while…well sort of: State Rep. Joe Sanfelippo (R-West Allis) said in an interview he’ll still introduce a bill in about a week that…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Bud Selig Is A Magnificent Hypocrite

After getting just about everything he damn well wanted from the county for Miller Park, former Milwaukee Brewers owner and current baseball commissioner Bud Selig is raising money to stab the county board in the back: “…as the Greater Milwaukee Committee mounts a lobbying campaign to pass the measure. An…

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Whither MKE Cnty: State Senate Not as Gung Ho as Sanfellipo

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that State Senate majority leader Scott Fitzgerald doesn’t seem to see the urgency in reforming Milwaukee County Government as rookie State Representative and former Milwaukee County Supervisor Joe Sanfelippo does. “I’m not in any rush” to put the referendum on the ballot, Senate Majority Leader…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Maybe a County Convention Is In Order

Yesterday marked the first forum that I am aware of that was aimed to discuss possible futures for Milwaukee County. County Supervisor Deanna Alexander held a town hall to gauge the interest in changing the make up of county government. The article in today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel says that only…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Community Forum on Reforming Milwaukee County

[I apologize that this is so late…but I have to borrow computers to post] A community discussion on reforming Milwaukee County government — including proposed legislation to slash the pay for supervisors and the County Board’s operating budget — will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Dretzka Park…

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Whither MKE Cnty: $15,000 Isn’t A Casual Number

it happens to be minimum wage for 40 hours per week…

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Whither MKE Cnty: What’s In It For the Greater Milwaukee Committee?

As Dan Bice of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote earlier this week: A proposal to slash the salaries of Milwaukee County Board members is being drafted by a Republican lawmaker and promoted by the Democratic county leader. But the real political muscle behind the legislation comes from a group that…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Abolish Municipal Governments

One of the continuing memes relating to reducing county supervisor salaries is the amount of money the county will save…approximately $850,000…which by the way is just under 90 cents per county resident. And of course there is continued talk that county government is an unnecessary layer of government that doesn’t…

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Whither MKE Cnty: County in the Wisconsin Constitution

One persistent comment about State Representative (and former County Supervisor) Joe Sanfelippo’s proposal to dismantle the Milwaukee County Board as we know it is: Can the state do that? County Government is designated in the Wisconsin Constitution so the state legislature certainly has some say in the nature of county…

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Whither MKE Cnty: Statement From the Wisc Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals

Press Statement of Candice Owley, President of the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals The Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals stands in strong opposition to the Greater Milwaukee Committee’s plan to reduce the County Board because it is a threat to both democracy and to oversight of…

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