Sean Duffy’s telling a lot of tall tales about the Keystone XL pipeline

Here’s the latest email missive from Republican Rep. Sean Duffy, who apparently isn’t above telling a few tall tales to further the interests of his benefactors. Dear friends, This week the House will vote on the Senate’s version of a bill to (yet again) approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The…

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Mitch McConnell gets a dose of his own medicine and doesn’t like the taste

Yesterday U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued a statement after Senate Democrats filibustered legislation advancing the Keystone XL oil pipeline. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor calling on Senate Democrats to support the Keystone Pipeline: “The Keystone jobs bill is…

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GOP Hypocrisy On The Keystone XL Pipeline

As regular readers are sure to note, I follow the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel column: Congress, Following the Vote. Each week that Congress is in session it breaks out some of the bills voted on, a short description of the bill, what the yes or no vote means, and then how…

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Some More Highlights From The Keystone XL Discussion

This morning I posted a bit on the ruling from the Nebraska Supreme Court that gives the Canadian oil company the right to seize American assets to complete the Keystone XL pipeline. But there are a few other nuggets to be mined from the original article as well. Let’s see…

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Court Affirms Foreign Corporation’s Right Of Eminent Domain in US

In the continuing saga of the Keystone XL pipeline, the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled that Canadian oil company TransCanada could essentially use eminent domain to seize right of ways on American owned property to complete the Keystone XL pipeline. Continued proof that money knows no borders: Removing a major roadblock,…

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The President On The Keystone XL Pipeline

Just what I have been telling you all along: Now will he veto the bill if it arrives at his desk? I will have more on this later.

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A Quick Hit On The Propane Shortage!

There has been a fair amount of press on the shortage of propane in the state as temperatures continue to seek the bottom of the thermometer. Steve Carlson touched on it briefly here on Blogging Blue. But today, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel discussed Governor Walker’s about face on providing financial…

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The Real Reason Keystone XL Needs To Run To The Gulf

All these past months I have been on a tirade against the Keystone XL pipeline partly because the dang thing would run thousands of miles across the country…risking any number of fragile local eco-systems…with the resulting fuels exported around the world from the gulf refineries…with only a small group of…

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Obama Knows the Keystone XL Pipeline Is An Export Process!

In a short question and answer session with AARP, President Obama readily admits that the fuels refined from oil transported to the gulf through the Keystone XL pipeline will be exported…not used in the good ole USA and won’t hold down the prices of domestic fuels…no matter what the proponents…

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Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Comes to Defense of Keystone XL Pipeline

Following an OP Ed Piece in the NY Times by Thomas L Friedman extolling the virtues of not building the Keystone XL Pipeline, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Vice President Greg Stringham valiantly rushed to the defense of the pipeline. And he stayed solidly with the company line that the…

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