” Just How Dangerous Is The Delta Variant”

That’s the title of a piece late last week by the highly respected epidemiologist and infectious disease expert over at the MacIver Institute, Dan ” nothing to get excited about ” O’Donnell. O’Donnell does his typical cherry picking of stats routine to make his case that the Delta variant isn’t…

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Wisconsin Public Radio Should Get A Second Opinion

Yesterday afternoon WPR’s Central Time host Rob Ferrett interviewed Dr. Marty Makary from Johns Hopkins. I wrote about Makary last week in a post titled ” Anatomy of A Major Bungle “. In that post I noted how Makary had predicted last February that the U.S would reach herd immunity…

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Anatomy Of A Major Bungle

While the Right does it’s best to keep Tony Fauci at the front of their various print and cable news cycles, from Rand Paul’s accusation that Fauci is responsible for the global Covid-19 pandemic, to rehashes of the times Fauci has corrected himself on mitigation issues such as masking, the…

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