Wisconsin Public Radio Should Get A Second Opinion

Yesterday afternoon WPR’s Central Time host Rob Ferrett interviewed Dr. Marty Makary from Johns Hopkins. I wrote about Makary last week in a post titled ” Anatomy of A Major Bungle “. In that post I noted how Makary had predicted last February that the U.S would reach herd immunity by April, and in May, writing in the New York Post, Makary made the bold claim that “there will be little to no Covid news this summer”. The fact of the matter is that in states like Louisiana and Florida hospitals are experiencing the worst surge of cases since the pandemic began. The guy was seriously wrong. This bears repeating. The guy was seriously wrong.

The most mind boggling moment during yesterdays interview was when Makary referred to the ” bump ” in the hospitalization rate across the south. A bump? Covid hospitalizations in Louisiana are breaking records. Covid hospitalizations in Florida are breaking records. Covid hospitalizations in Arkansas are breaking records. A ” bump “?

Makary goes on to say that Wisconsin could see a ” bump ” also, but using his definition of bump what does this mean? Will our bump look like the so-called bump in Florida, Louisiana and Arkansas?

It’s pretty common in medicine to get a second opinion. Doctors make mistakes, though they’re generally loathe to admit it. WPR’s Central Time gave Marty Makary the opportunity to give his opinion. They should get a second one.


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