Butler a finalist for two federal judgeships

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler is a finalist for a second federal judgeship. Last month, senators Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold recommended Butler and attorney William Conley to replace retiring U.S. District Judge John Shabaz, whose seat remains unfilled. Earlier today, a…

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Pulling a play out of Gableman’s playbook

Back in February, I announced I was supporting Assistant District Attorney Dan Gabler’s campaign for the 15th Circuit Court Branch. At that time, I cited Gabler’s good reputation as an Assistant District Attorney, as well as the bipartisan support he’d received, but given the negative tone Gabler’s campaign has taken,…

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Koschnick’s reversals

I want to talk a little about Randy Koschnick, the conservative candidate for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. However, before I do I want to encourage you to go and read Xoff over at Uppity Wisconsin and the illustrious illyT, because they’ve done a great job of exposing all Judge Randy…

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Thoughts on the Election

First of all, there’ll be no gnashing of teeth or whining here. Am I disappointed in how things turned out last night? Hell yes, but such is politics. Sometimes your side wins and sometimes they lose; that’s just the reality of our political system. While I’ve made no effort to…

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It’s Time to Choose

On the eve of Wisconsin’s spring election day, I’m going to make a few picks. Wisconsin Supreme Court: This is a no brainer. Michael Gableman has run one of the most disgustingly vile and dishonest campaigns in as long as I can remember, and in doing so he’s exposed himself…

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Gableman Loses Endorsement

The fallout from a wholly misleading and some say racist television ad by Michael Gableman continues, as one of the District Attorneys who endorsed Gableman’s campaign has withdrawn that endorsement. Read the letter: I am rescinding my endorsement of Judge Michael Gableman for Wisconsin Supreme Court. I endorsed him because…

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How Low Will Gableman Go?

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I intensely dislike State Supreme Court candidate Michael Gableman, and while my dislike is in part due to my ideological differences with Gableman, much of my dislike towards the man has to do with the stunning scope of his hypocritical and unethical…

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So Much For a Clean Campaign

Remember when Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Michael Gableman said he’d run a clean campaign? I remember, and I also remember questioning whether Gableman could be trusted to abide by that pledge, given the fact that he hasn’t exactly proven himself to be a model of honest and ethical behavior. Well…

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Liar Liar, Pants on Fire!

So Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Michael Gableman has said his campaign will not resort to dishonest attack ads during the race between him and Louis Butler, but given the revelations that Gableman may have gotten his seat due to some generous campaign donations to former Governor Scott McCallum, can he…

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The Curious Case of Michael Gableman, Part Deux

As I first noted a few days ago, the folks at One Wisconsin Now have been busy exposing the sordid details behind Michael Gableman‘s appointment to the Burnett County Circuit Court. As first reported by OWN, former Governor Scott McCallum appointed Gableman to the Burnett County Circuit Court after bypassing…

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