Senate Hearing On Bill 95 – the Bill to Reform Milwaukee County Government

Senate PUBLIC HEARING Elections and Urban Affairs The committee will hold a public hearing on the following items at the time specified below: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:30 AM 411 South Senate Bill 95 Relating to: changing the compensation structure by which a Milwaukee County supervisor may be paid, changing…

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OUR Milwaukee County: Listening Session Hosted by Patricia Jursik

I was able to attend the OUR Milwaukee County listening session hosted by County Supervisor Patricia Jursik in South Milwaukee. Supervisor Jursik titled the event as Restructuring County Government. And I applaud her format for the event, far different and far more effective than the previous two sessions that I…

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Salary Comparison: Your County Supervisor vs. Don Smiley

Don’t you find it just a little bit weird that so many people are getting bent out of shape over a county supervisor, who is responsible for the well being of the county and needs to be responsive to 53,000 residents, making $50,000 per year, but Don Smiley, the purveyor…

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Walker hides behind nonsensical lawsuit to “escape from the electorate”

“What is happening in this lawsuit, is the governor is frantically trying to escape from the electorate.” So says Jeremy Levinson, attorney for the recall committees, and I’m inclined to agree, especially after witnessing the Friends of Scott Walker vs Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) lawsuit hearing this morning in…

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Ed Schultz Nails RedState & CNN Contributor Eric Erickson

In a move to out-Fox, Fox News, CNN has hired conservative blogger Eric Erickson. Somehow they think that having RNC political operative Alec Castellano among their commentators isn’t enough to draw in the conservative mob, so they’ve given Eric a platform to continue his ludicrous and incendiary attacks on the census, on health care reform, on Obama, etc.

On a recent show, MSNBC commentator Ed Schultz takes down Eric Erickson with a clear analysis and review of some of his attacks.

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