Endorsements: Midterms 2018

US Senator: Tammy Baldwin of course. She is working for Wisconsin and certainly shares most of the values we espouse here at Blogging Blue. State Senator Leah Vukmir has completely adopted the party line and I haven’t heard a single original thought come out of her mouth. Governor: Tony Evers….

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Peter Barca Steps Down

After catching the maximum allowed limit of flack from the purist demagogues on the left over his Foxconn vote, Wisconsin State Representative Peter Barca stepped down from his minority leadership position in the state assembly: Rep. Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, will step down as minority leader of the Wisconsin Assembly at…

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Democrats Peter Barca and Cory Mason vote for $3 billion giveaway to Foxconn

With Democrats like Peter Barca and Cory Mason it’s no wonder Wisconsin’s Democrats have little hope of regaining what they’ve lost since 2010. All but two Republicans supported the bill in the 59-30 vote and they were joined by three Democrats – Reps. Cory Mason of Racine and Peter Barca…

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From the files of “This is why we can’t have nice things” Peter Barca re-elected Assembly minority leader

Apparently Assembly Democrats aren’t content to hold the fewest seats they’ve held since 1957, as they re-elected Rep. Peter Barca to serve as their leader for the next two years. State Rep. Peter Barca will continue as the state Assembly’s Democratic leader. Barca, D-Kenosha, was re-elected by his colleagues Tuesday,…

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Toll roads in Wisconsin? No, no, and no!

This is a terrible idea. The state spends billions of dollars on road construction, and the gas tax is not drawing in as much revenue as cars become more efficient. WISN 12 News caught up with one lawmaker who believes the toll road solution is gaining support. “Long term, we…

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Assembly Democratic Leader Barca announces living wage bill for contract state employees

Yesterday Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca announced new legislation that would set a living wage that is at least the federal poverty level of a three-person household or the same amount as a state employee performing the same duties for the hundreds of individuals working under state contracts in Wisconsin….

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Peter Barca: Make 2014 the Year of the Middle Class

From my email inbox comes Democratic State Rep. Peter Barca’s latest column. Decisions made inside the state Capitol in 2013 have not been kind to Wisconsin’s working, middle-class families. Our state remained in the bottom half among states for job creation and we recently led the nation in our increase…

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Assembly Democrats Have No Spine: What Budget?

Although it doesn’t always pay to tilt at windmills, the decision by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats and Assembly Minority Leader Representative Peter Barca to refrain from offering a single amendment to the biennial budget is downright perplexing. On the one hand I can understand the futility of offering up amendments that…

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13 Democrats join Republicans in voting to classify Wisconsin sharp cheddar cheese as junk food (UPDATED)

This will never stand up to Federal scrutiny, but it still sucks… The Assembly approved, on a bipartisan vote of 68-26, a bill requiring at least two-thirds of the purchases in the state’s FoodShare program to come from a list of state-defined healthy foods, with Republicans arguing that the benefits…

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WEDC Fails Another Audit and This Time There Should Be Criminal Charges

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Associated Press are reporting that an audit by the state’s non-partisan Legislative Audit Bureau found significant questionable financial activities surrounding Governor Walker’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. This time tax credits for creating jobs have gone unaudited, legally required reports haven’t been filed and there has…

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