Reince Priebus considering a statewide run in 2022….really?!?!?

This is a couple of weeks old, but I just came across an account from that former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus is considering a run for statewide office in 2022. Former state and national GOP Chair Reince Priebus has been talking with Wisconsin Republicans about a…

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Trump Bringing All of the Rats Home to Prevent Testimony? Hope Hicks is next!!

After announcing that Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer were returning to the White House to join a special commission for the president, now the New York Times is saying that Hope Hicks is joining Jared Kushner’s office. Is President Trump bringing all the rats back home to roost before they…

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Trump Attempts To Find Two Dumbest Republicans and May Have Succeeded!

Apparently President Donald Trump rehired former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and former Press Secretary Sean Spicer to a White House Commission: President Donald Trump has rehired his former chief of staff Reince Priebus and former press secretary Sean Spicer almost three years after both men unceremoniously departed the White House. Priebus…

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Note To GOP: Trump Only Likes You When You Are Useful

Even for the president’s twitter persona, this is pretty cold: So where is the Wisconsin GOP Triumvirate now…you know…Ryan, Priebus and Walker? Editor’s Note: (7/12/2019 6 pm) I hadn’t seen this when I published the original post: Book ‘American Carnage’ details Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus relationship with Trump. This article…

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H/T To Jake formerly of the LP For This Piece On Trump, Russia, And Wisconsin

This piece over at the Daily Kos was brought to my attention by one of our regular readers. It is a very thorough description of the Wisconsin connection to the Russia/Trump relationship during the 2016 election cycle. It’s well worth the read by one of our regular readers and commenters:…

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Paul Ryan Didn’t Quit Because of Randy Bryce

Please let’s not get overconfident about the election in the Wisconsin First Congressional District. There have already been emails and postings that Paul Ryan quit because he was afraid of the campaign being waged by one of Blogging Blue’s favorite candidates: Randy Bryce. There have been dozens of post-mortems on…

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Sally Yates Testimony: A Warning or a Heads Up?

Former Acting Attorney Sally Yates testified in the Senate today about the warning she gave to the White House on issues with Michael Flynn and his contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the United States. She described it as a warning: Yates said she emphasized that she was trying to…

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions: Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now

I haven’t really given the issue surrounding Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his interactions with the Russian Ambassador and the subsequent revelations and recusal the attention that it is due. Benghazi Benghazi, I mean Wiretaps, Wiretaps, Trump Tower… This has spent so much time in the news prior to Saturday’s…

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Trump White House Loves and Hates Unnamed Sources

During his speech at CPAC this week, President Donald Trump once again trotted out his attack on the media. And one of his newest points about the “fake news” was the fairly common practice of using unnamed sources. Now of course serious media outlets have procedures in place to insure…

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Does Reince Priebus still think Donald Trump is a “net positive” for the Republican Party?

This piece is a year old, but I felt it was worth posting because I can’t help but wonder if RNC Chairman Reince Priebus thinks having Donald Trump as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee is a “net positive” for the Republican Party. Still, Priebus said he thinks that having Trump…

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