Tag: Social security
Time To Pass The Lindsey Graham Double Dippin’ Is Verboten Bill??
As we continue to see the angst and concern about Social Security being emoted around Capitol Hill, maybe a first baby step would be a bill to deny social security benefits to electeds who retire with more than adequate and generous federal pensions. Not sure if the feds can enforce…
Senator Joe Manchin Presents A Solid Plan To Fix Social Security…Just Exactly What Blogging Blue Has Been Supporting For YEARS!
Manchin proposes raising FICA income cap: According to the Social Security Administration, each U.S. worker and their employer contributes 6.2% of their wages to the program, rising to $160,200 by 2023, while the self-employed pay a larger 12.4% of their wages (since no employer co-pays). However, if you’re a millionaire,…
Lindsey Graham Triple Dipping On Federal Retirement Benefits!
After inflation and gas prices (no suggestions or solutions, by the way, just moving lips), the current major talking point coming out of GOP seats in Washington is changes to Social Security. And on C-Span Senator Lindsey Graham was talking about the impending short fall in Social Security funding now…
Trump Working On Bankrupting Social Security?
Aaah…the economic news has been all over the place of late. Great Economy, Best Ever. Recession coming between now and 2021. The Fed should lower rates to beef up the economy. Tariffs are getting the job done. Delaying tariffs to avoid impacting Christmas sales. Best stock market ever. Fake news…
Need To Save Social Security?
Once again the numbers guys in Washington have put forward their estimate on when Social Security will run out of money. And it’s closer than it was last time. Well…as we’ve been saying here since the Bush 43 administration, the very first and quickest short term fix is to just…
I Told You Not To Call It Medicare For All
Frequent readers know that I am a proponent of comprehensive universal single payer health insurance for the United States. And you probably already know that I have complained about using the term Medicare For All for the universal health plan proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders (I – VT) and others….
What’s With The Scare Tactics On Social Security Taxes?
No, really. Something that occurs nearly every year will occur again Januray 1, 2019, and everybody at the margin knows it’s going to happen and will probably just shrug. But here is the headline as it appeared in the Ideas Lab section of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Wednesday October…
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