Video from the South Milwaukee school board meeting

Eight days ago, I wrote about budget cuts proposed by South Milwaukee school district administrators, cuts that included eliminating the fifth grade orchestra program, eliminating a teaching position for the at-risk program, cutting the golf team, and raising fees for students and athletics. My original entry sparked a lively debate…

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South Milwaukee school board proposes cutting music, at-risk teaching positions

Unless the South Milwaukee school district realizes $600,000 in “Reductions in Salary in Benefits,” (which is code for the district’s employees taking pay and benefit cuts) the School Board has proposed drastic cuts to balance the district’s budget, including cutting one full time orchestra position, resulting in the elimination of…

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Friday news and notes

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting that despite his nomination being returned to President Obama, Louis Butler’s name will be resubmitted as the president’s nominee to fill a spot on the federal bench in Wisconsin’s Western District. President Obama is set to meet with union leaders in the next few…

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South Milwaukee school board spends big bucks

Last month, I wrote about a proposal by the South Milwaukee school board to spend $30,000 in federal stimulus money for an early childhood curriculum consultant to assist in better aligning the 4-year-old curriculum with the rest of the grades. At the time, I expressed concern about the possibility of…

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Franklin school board considers student representation

This is an absolutely great idea: Board member Janet Evans, who chairs the Community/Governmental Relations Committee, said she envisions having a “team or rotating team” of students that would brief the board on events and issues at the high school, and offer student input on board discussions. As a new…

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Pay raises for SDSM administrators top 15% over four years

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about an open records request I made to get a full and accurate accounting of all the pay raises received by administrators within the South Milwaukee School District over the past four years.  Shortly after that blog entry, I finally received the information I…

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S.M. School District to use stimulus funds to duplicate services

As first reported by Julie Ann Marra of South Milwaukee NOW, the South Milwaukee school district is going to spend $30,000 in federal stimulus money for an early childhood curriculum consultant to assist in better aligning the 4-year-old curriculum with the rest of the grades. At face value, that sounds…

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S.M. school board gives admins raises after freezing salaries

After voting to freeze the salaries of the South Milwaukee School District’s top administrators as part of the district’s 2009-10 budget, the South Milwaukee school board pulled an end-around last night and approved a 4.1 percent retroactive pay raise for administrators for the 2008-2009 school year. The vote to approve…

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Zach for school board lit drop

Well folks, it’s getting to be crunch time in the South Milwaukee school board election. In addition to my canvassing efforts, I’m also going to be needing help going door to door dropping literature at houses. If you’d like to help with my lit drops, here’s the information: What: Literature…

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The vote was 5-2

On Wednesday, February 18, the South Milwaukee school board voted 5-2 in favor of the 2009-2010 budget recommendations made by the school district’s administration and as amended previously by the school board. Among the cost-saving items in the 2009-10 budget recommendations was a proposal to freeze the salaries of school…

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