State Senator Leah Vukmir Identifies Domestic Terrorist

No, really, she did…unfortunately it is State Senator Leah Vukmir! As part of a recent ad campaign in her attempt to snare the GOP nomination for US Senate and the opportunity to run against US Senator Tammy Baldwin…Sen. Vukmir identified and named a Team Terrorists…consisting of Sen. Baldwin and actual…

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How To Improve Bipartisanship In Washington For Free!

Currently the Democrats actually physically sit on one side of the aisle and the Republicans on the other in the House and Senate. May I suggest a simple measure to help start breaking down the divide…the us against them syndrome. Seat the two houses like they do political conventions…make the…

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Democrats Claim Donor Trying to Buy Senate Seat

Ok, if this isn’t the most ridiculous thing that I have heard in the campaign for US Senator from Wisconsin. The general election is over a year away. We know money is a big deal in 21st Century politics. It doesn’t sound like anything illegal is being considered. And yes…

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Tammy Baldwin For Senate: Knock It Off!

Yesterday I received a letter asking for a contribution from the Tammy Baldwin for Senate campaign. I supported Senator Baldwin in 2012 with my wallet and my vote. I love what she has done for Wisconsin and the nation since being elected to the Senate. I will continue to support…

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Republican Challenger to Senator Tammy Baldwin?

On tonight’s JSOnline, the announcement that Nicole Schneider of Green Bay is considering running as a Republican opponent to Senator Tammy Baldwin in 2018. Ms. Schneider is the daughter-in-law of Donald Schneider, the late founder of Schneider Trucking. In a statement to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Schneider sounded like someone…

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Democratic Senators Side With Trump?

The Washington Post reports that six Democratic senators from states that went for Donald Trump are supporting punishing corporations that outsource labor. Six Democratic senators from Rust Belt states won by President-elect Donald Trump called Tuesday for a swift congressional crackdown on U.S. companies that send manufacturing jobs abroad, claiming…

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Chris Taylor and Tammy Baldwin endorsed Hillary Clinton. That shouldn’t surprise anyone

I’ve been reading a lot on Facebook and elsewhere about Chris Taylor and Tammy Baldwin endorsing Hillary Clinton and how they’re “wrong” for endorsing her. While I disagree with their decisions to endorse Clinton, because I don’t believe she’s as progressive as her rhetoric, Taylor, Baldwin, and anyone else is…

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Sen. Tammy Baldwin will not return campaign money received from indicted fellow Senator

This is disappointing… A number of Democrats are returning campaign money they have received from New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez in the wake of his federal bribery indictment. Not U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin. A spokesman for the Wisconsin Democrat said Baldwin will wait to see the outcome of the Menendez…

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Report: Sen. Tammy Baldwin had report detailing excessive opiate prescriptions at Tomah VA for months

This is an absolute travesty. Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s office received an inspection report last summer detailing high amounts of opiates prescribed at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Tomah, but there is no indication her office took action on the findings until last week, when she called for an investigation…

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Why did Sen. Tammy Baldwin vote for the awful CRomnibus bill?

On December 13, the Democratic-controlled Senate voted 56-40 to approve H.R. 83, the so-called “CRomnibus” bill, a $1.1 trillion, nine-month omnibus spending bill that will keep the federal government fully funded through September 2015. Among the Democratic Senators who voted for the CRomnibus bill was progressive Sen. Tammy Baldwin of…

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