The White House Feeds Into the Ebola Hysteria With A Czar

Kow towing to the stench of hysteria on Capitol Hill, President Obama today appointed an Ebola Czar. Really?? He’s a well respected medico well versed in exotic and infectious diseases, right? Well no, not exactly. He’s a ‘respected’ bureaucrat with ties to the White House…no really! In his White House…

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Takedown: The Thomas Friedman Edition

Thomas Friedman is a hack.  Thomas Friedman has always been a hack.  And if past performance is any indicator of future performance, Thomas Friedman will always be a hack. Why do people in power believe Thomas Friedman is anything other than a hack?  Robert Jensen, in an interview with the…

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Is it still “a fool’s errand” ?

While I posted a link up a while ago, that pointed out all of the jobs we are missing out on by not having a sane energy policy. It was met with mild interest with mostly just attacking the source. In a recent NY Times column, Thomas Friedman, re-iterated what…

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