Mean Meme Stolen From…Matt Gaetz!

So maybe for one moment, Matt Gaetz had a sense of humor. But I am thinking this is probably an example of his mean streak and a further example of the dysfunction in the contemporary GOP. Eat your own to win at any cost.

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Credit Card Issuers Aren’t Helping

A while back I suggested that as part of the financial response to the pandemic recession, that credit card issuers reduce the interest rates that they charge on carried balances. (When Will Congress Address Credit Card Debt?) After all, other interest rates (including home mortgages now) are at historically low…

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When Will Congress Address Credit Card Debt?

In the various bills coming out of Congress to address the economic hardships being experienced by everyday Americans…there are plans in place to help making/delaying mortgage payments…rent payments…delays in evictions…student loans…etc. Yes it is important to make sure everyone has stable housing during the stay at home environment. And then…

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Where Is Congress On The Family Separations On the Border?

Too bad that none of the GOP Representatives or Senators has the courage to sponsor a simple one item bill to stop the family separations at the border…and rush it through Congress to the president’s desk…he’d have no way to veto it after all of the bluster and posturing and…

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