Ruben (Gallego) would be running to win.

Jeepers…it really is now a 14/7/365 election cycle as this missive hit the email box this morning: Monday night on Chris Hayes, Ruben was asked if he was going to run against Senator Sinema and he made it clear: “I am a Marine and Marines prepare. That’s what I am…

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Insteresting That We Are Still Worrying About John Fetterman’s Stroke When One Of Our Recent Heroes Was This Guy:

The GOP in Pennsylvania, particularly carpet bagger and quack, Dr. Oz, keep trying to make hay during the Senate campaign, out of the recent stroke suffered by Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (we’ll ignore the GOP candidate in Georgia, Herschel Walker for now). They are trying to belittle Fetterman’s commitment and…

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U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson poised to announce run for a third term…

DUH! I said that two months ago: Senator Ron Johnson IS Running For Re-election. But today we have this thunderous pre-announcement announcement at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson appears poised to announce as early as next week that he’s running for reelection, according to two highly placed…

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I Am Endorsing Mandela Barnes In The Democratic Primary for US Senate!

There are a number of Democrats that I can get behind in 2022 for US Senate. But now that he’s officially in, I am officially committed to Wisconsin Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes to replace Sen. Ron Johnson (R) in the Senate in 2022.

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What’s He Running For: Mahlon Mitchell

Mahlon Mitchell, President of the Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin and Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor in the 2012 recall, hit the ground running full tilt as a speaker at the recent Democratic Party of Wisconsin State Convention. Running through the gamut of the sins of the Walker administration and continually…

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