Ruben (Gallego) would be running to win.

Jeepers…it really is now a 14/7/365 election cycle as this missive hit the email box this morning:

Monday night on Chris Hayes, Ruben was asked if he was going to run against Senator Sinema and he made it clear: “I am a Marine and Marines prepare. That’s what I am doing right now.”

Preparation means being ready on day one.

Preparation means having the resources to run a winning campaign and withstand attacks on day one.

Because if Ruben runs, the moment he gets in the race he is going to get pummeled with attacks from the monied-interests supporting Senator Sinema.

That’s why we’re asking for donations today. Because if Ruben runs, it wouldn’t be to make a statement or send a message.

Ruben would be running to win.

And of course it ends with links to contribute to his campaign…which won’t be seeing anything from me…since I am sticking with my campaign finance reform pledge. But I suppose it’s a case of getting out there while the Sinema news is still front and center. Make hay while the sun shines?


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3 thoughts on “Ruben (Gallego) would be running to win.

    1. Considering over 70% of Arizonan democrats disapprove of Sinema right now that’s a longshot claim.

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