WI GOP Tries to Slime Prominent UW Madison Professor Cronon

U W Madison Professor William Cronon had a very interesting editorial in Monday’s New York Times titled “Wisconsin’s Radical Break”. In the editorial, Dr. Cronon, a historian provides an interesting historical analysis that clearly shows the extremism of Scott Walker, the Fitzgerald boys and the lemmings in the Republican Party.

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The WI GOP might not have Thompson, but they have the Tea Partiers

The WI GOP @WisGOP is asking people to tweet against Russ Feingold’s election with the hashtag #firerussfeingold and more interestingly #teaparty. They’ve set up a special micro site – FireRussFeingold to help them in this endeavor. They seem to think that the crazy posturing of the well-to-do, educated, but uninformed, tax dodging Tea Party is their path to electoral success in this year’s WI Senatorial elections.

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