Who Picked Palin?

I know I’ve mentioned the fact that it seemed curious the Republican nominee, Senator John McCain, picked Alaska Governor Sarah Palin despite only having met her once over six months ago, and the more I’ve had time to think about this choice, I’m left wondering: who really picked Sarah Palin?

Was it really Sen. McCain, or was it someone involved in his campaign or the RNC?

And I’m not the only one wondering:

Unlike every other major party VP nominee in recent memory, Palin did not meet McCain for a final interview before her selection. A few weeks ago, she wasn’t in the running at all. The scandals and unorthodoxies involving Palin — she flip-flopped on the Bridge to Nowhere and even raised sales taxes on her small town to pay for an overpriced boondoggle — show that the McCain campaign didn’t vet her. The McCains and Palins looked visibly awkward together, not even speaking as they went their separate ways on a brief shopping trip in Ohio yesterday. McCain is on record as saying he wanted a running mate with whom he had a strong personal relationship — and who was ready to be president.

What’s more, there are questions about how thoroughly the McCain campaign really vetted Gov. Palin. After all, the McCain campaign has gone to great lengths to present the selection of Gov. Palin as one made after a careful, meticulous vetting process, yet it’s now come out that as of this weekend, the McCain campaign had not gone through old newspaper articles from the Valley Frontiersman, Palin’s hometown newspaper. According to a Democrat tasked with opposition research, when he went to research past articles in Palin’s hometown newspaper, he was told he was the first person to inquire about the archives, which are not available online.

All of this begs the question – if McCain’s pick was hasty and poorly-thought out, then who suggested the idea of picking Palin to begin with? Who’s pulling the strings here? Who is it that McCain has entrusted to make his decisions for him? What’s more, if Sen. McCain himself made the decision, what does it say about his decision-making that he picked someone as his running mate that he’d only met once before?

I’d love to know the answers to those questions.


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