Walker’s incomplete financial reports

Earlier this week, official candidates for elected office were required to file their campaign financial reports, and included among those candidates was Scott Walker. However, as Cory Liebmann and capper have reported, there seem to be some unanswered questions about Scott Walker’s financial reports.

Over at Eye on Wisconsin, Cory notes Walker’s filing doesn’t report anything being paid to General Consultant RJ Johnson, who has been working for Walker’s gubernatorial campaign since Walker announced his candidacy back in April:

I actually hear that he may have been working with Walker for even longer than that, perhaps going into last year. So why don’t the last couple finance reports show him getting paid? I don’t personally know, but I hear from a good source that RJ’s normal monthly fee for such a project is usually pretty high. So where is his money? Has he been working for free and if so, why isn’t it being reported as an in-kind contribution (even though it would certainly pass legal limits)?

Cory’s asking some good questions – questions that deserve to be answered – but capper over at Cognitive Dissidence also has some questions regarding the accuracy of Walker’s reporting of campaign-related expenses:

Another big thing is an entry dated June 27, 2009, for a payment of $3,841.49 to Terry Kohler for “Candidate Expenses – Travel.” My first thought was that it may have been for the day that he made his multiple stop trip around the state making his official kick-off to his campaign. But that didn’t make much sense. First of all, Walker’s official kick-off was a couple of months earlier. On top of that, a charter jet, at the very least, still costs over $1,000 per hour. Since Walker was on the go for at least 10 or 12 hours, the cost should have been at least three times what the payment was for.

But then that leaves a couple, three unanswered question. Who paid for Walker’s jetting around the state in a day on the day Walker officially launched his campaign? And why isn’t it listed on his campaign’s financial report?

And if the $3,800 was for the campaign kick-off trip around the state, why was it so cheap, and why isn’t there an in kind contribution listed?

The questions being asked deserve answers, and I can only hope the Walker campaign will provide those answers, because Wisconsin’s voters deserve nothing less than a full disclosure of how Scott Walker is running his gubernatorial campaign.


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2 thoughts on “Walker’s incomplete financial reports

  1. The finance reports go from Jan 1 to June 30……so I speculate that an invoice for services was not recieved by the cut off date.

    It is common in campaigns for candidates to gather as many donations prior the cut off date to show more money & support in the report filed (hence fundraisers are held in June) …. and the expenses are usually paided in the next report, because the invoices were recieved after the cut off date.

    Check his next finance report when it comes out on Feb 1, 2010. It will run from July 1 to December 31, 2009. I suspect the expenses will be there.

    To view deadlines for fincance reports: http://elections.state.wi.us/docview.asp?docid=2050&locid=47 (opens a word doc).

  2. Laurie, there are other things we are finding. Besides, the service would still have to be noted, even if the amount charged was not known.

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