“Our” Man Ryan – “European Welfare State”

Paul Ryan is out there again, this time warning that we are shifting to “more of a European Welfare state.”  He also postulates that “More and more Americans will be more concerned about government benefits & their material security than their liberties and freedoms.”  Somehow I think having material security is one of the ways that you have liberty and freedom.  I’d suggest that Ryan review Maslow and his hierarchy of needs to understand this one.

I was curious to see how much stimulus money has gone into the first District. Under the Recovery Act you are able to trace this by program, by District and by actual disbursements.   If Paul Ryan and his cohorts had been in charge, the 1st District would have seen the loss of $141, 528, 544 in commitments  and the actual expenditure of $78,290,703 according to the Government tracking site (select District 01).  This isn’t chump change and I’m sure the constituents in his District that have benefited from these expenditures wouldn’t be happy to see them yanked or to require re-payment.


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2 thoughts on ““Our” Man Ryan – “European Welfare State”

  1. “If Paul Ryan and his cohorts had been in charge, the 1st District would have seen the loss of $141, 528, 544 in commitments and the actual expenditure of $78,290,703 according to the Government tracking site (select District 01).”

    And that much less federal debt as well. Ryan is correct to question Obama’s plan to spend our way out of a recession. It’s like trying to drink your way out of a hangover–it might work in the short term but it always ends up badly.

  2. Hmmm, im wondering at what point in our history, spending our way out of a recession/depression has ended up badly? It is how we got out of the first republican depression and how we need to get out of the second republican depression. Ryan was out front in terms of spending under bush now the tiger has seemed to change his stripes….

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