Are You Better Off Than Four Years Ago? The Dow Says Yes! Thank You Joe Biden!!

I stole this from social media after I vetted it…chart below: and four years ago: and as I finish this post:

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Stock market today: S&P 500, Dow hit fresh records! Thank you Joe Biden!!!

Stock market today: S&P 500, Dow hit fresh records

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Irony: A State With A Bong Recreation Park Hasn’t Legalized Recreational Use Of Marijuana.

Yes, I realize that the Bong Recreation Park is named after Wisconsin resident Richard Bong, who was a fighter pilot ace and hero in World War II. And no I am not belittling him in any way…but sometimes the humor suggests itself. But over the past year or so there…

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The Debt Ceiling Debacle Should Never Have Happened And Joe Biden Didn’t Really Earn This Victory Lap

No, I am not talking about the things that the left is complaining that Joe Biden gave away. No, I am not talking about the fact that after insisting that there would be no discussions or negotiations…that the White House negotiated with McCarthy and the GOP in the House. I…

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WI GOP Won’t Keep Your 14 Year Old From Getting Shot In School, But Will Defend Their “Right” To Serve Alcohol.

Considering the number of issues and shortfalls in governance coming out of Madison…is it any wonder than rather than safety, clean air, clean water, education, the economy, help to family farms, state aid to any number of important growth engines in the state much less revenue sharing with cities and…

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I Think It’s Time For A Foxconn Economic Impact Study

So we all know that Scott Walker and Donald Trump gave away the farm…or several farms if you look at the impact of eminent domain in Racine County…but Foxconn never kept their part of the bargain. And the facility in Mount Pleasant WI is a fraction of the promised investments…

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Democrats vs. Republicans By The Numbers:

and no, I haven’t vetted this. The one thing I’ve taken away from the MAGA crowd is, facts ain’t worth shit. And it confirms my world view, so it must be fact! [sarcasm]

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Dems Need To Get Their Stuff Together On Health Care:

I have been a rather vocal proponent of single payer universal health care for all Americans. And I think that Senator Bernie Sanders has been detrimental in using the term Medicare For All when Medicare isn’t the best answer to America’s continued health care crisis. Americans need and deserve a…

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Ron Johnson Wants To Destroy Your Social Security

First off: Social Security and Medicare receipts and expenses are not part of the federal budget. They do not contribute to the federal deficit. They are collected from employers and employees as part of the payroll process and deposited in separate accounts that are not part of the federal general…

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Could You Imagine If Biden Did This? This Day In History:

August 15, 1971:

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