Supporting Labor Over Billionaires (SLOBs) to hold rally

The name is hilarious…

Time: Saturday, April 16 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: Saukville, Grady Park, Hwy 33 @ Park Ave.

Do you really want to see Glenn Grothman recalled?

Come to Saukville at Noon on Saturday.

Bring everyone you know.

Get inspired by our great line-up of speakers:

State Senator Chris Larson of the Wisconsin 14
Retired TV journalist Gus Gnorski
WI AFL-CIO Secy.-Treas. Stephanie Bloomingdale
Emerge Wisconsin Exec. Dir. Wendy Strout
Democratic Candidate for the 60th Assembly Rick Aaron
Local Teacher and Recall Activist Tanya Lohr

Then make or take a sign and some petitions and our suggestions for good high profile locations throughout the district to get signatures.

Finally, go out with hundreds of other volunteers to help us reach our goal.

Together, we can do this!

I think it’ll be next to impossible to get enough signatures to trigger a recall effort of Sen. Grothman, given the makeup of his district, but I still love the name of the group trying…..


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2 thoughts on “Supporting Labor Over Billionaires (SLOBs) to hold rally

  1. Thanks for the mention. Come out on Saturday and help us if you can. Or go to our Recall Grothman Facebook pages or for other opportunities. The recall office is at the CLUE building 411 N. River Rd. on the east side of West Bend. We already have thousands of signatures and really can do this if we get enough volunteers working in these last 15 days or so. Thanks!

  2. Been meaning to comment on the general recall crazy efforts but I don’t know that I have so seems an appropriate place.

    Personally – I’ve always been of the mind that recall is for a select few rare cases and certainly not the appropriate recourse when you simply disagree with someone who was elected. Guys who commit felonies, or that sort of thing. That goes for both sides. Also – hard to have any respect for people who go after somebody like Dave Hansen and Grothman and not Jeff Wood. Absent gross misconduct, wait an extra year – at the very most – and you get another chance at the polls to remove an Assemblyperson. Another year or two, and Senators are up for their regularly scheduled re-election.

    Absent something really beyond the pale or criminal, I just don’t see expending the energy. Worse, we’ll be stuck paying for recall elections when, if past history is any indication, the vast majority of them will have no effect.

    Just to be clear – I’m not saying people shouldn’t be allowed to collect signatures and go through the process. Only that it’s mostly stupid. Ultimately, I’m betting that in many cases, you’re getting people all geared up and energized – and in most cases, they’re going to end up frustrated and disillusioned with the whole political process. You don’t have an endless supply of interest or attention from the public – most recalls are a waste of it. I just cringe to think of the millions spend on campaigning in general. This is even worse. I think of what good that money could do if spend on something else.

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