Herman Cain Lies about “Farm Dust”

Herman Cain loves “farm dust!”  Perhaps it reminds him of his childhood growing up in Memphis?  Who knows!  But he’s absolutely, 100% against regulating it.  He’d like you to know that.  Enough so that he made this ad.

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JoePa was “Too Big to Fail”

There’s the lesson I take from the Penn State child sex abuse scandal, a scandal that will be roiling for weeks and months and years into the future.  I take that title from words in Jonathan Zimmerman’s column in the Philadelphia Daily News.  Sure, Zimmerman is talking of our obsession…

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Shorter Mitt: Arrivederci, Italia!

In last night’s “debate,” Mitt Romney was asked what he’d do about Italy’s debt were they to default (and by extension, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and France as well).  His answer? Same one he gave to the auto industry.  Let them eat cake.

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A Near Miss or a Near Hit?

The Earth dodged a 400 meter bullet yesterday when asteroid 2005 YU55 skipped by without hitting the earth.

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Republican Dominated JCF Takes Aim at Children in Poverty

If you’re poor in Fitzwalkerstan, healthcare is a luxury.

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Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

A tribute to the 29 men who died November 10, 1975, aboard the Edmund Fitzgerald in Lake Superior.

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No Mitt, You Didn’t Care At All

Flip-flop-flip-flop! Mitt goes all flippy-floppy on the auto industry and Detroit…

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Econ 101

Don\'t take my class, says some of America\'s top Econ Professors to the Republican presidential field. America’s Econ 101 professors say yes. In their view, the candidates continue to offer ideas and policies that wouldn’t pass muster in their classes — populated by 18 year-old college students. “There are so…

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Help dane101 “Be the Media”

From the fine folks at dane101 comes news of their “Be the Media” fundraiser: “Dane101 is the premier grassroots, progressive media outlet for Madison and Wisconsin, doing original, investigative reporting and collaborating with area bloggers, journalists, and regular citizens to cover the stories that all-too often go overlooked or under-covered…

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Wisconsin conservatives support suspect tactics to fight Walker recall efforts

As the efforts to recall Republican Gov. Scott Walker get underway, I suppose it’s to be expected that some conservatives will feel compelled to attempt to undermine those efforts by any means necessary. Over on Facebook, I found one such example of a conservative (our old friend Mark “Notalib” Phillips,…

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