Paul Ryan: ‘I Don’t Have The Time’ To Tell You How We’ll Pay For Our Tax Plan (VIDEO)

Apparently Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s arrogance knows no limits.

I’m stunned that conservatives hold Paul Ryan up as some sort of policy/budget wonk, because he strikes me as nothing more than a snake-oil salesman who wants to dazzle folks with a slick presentation while hoping they’re too stupid to look a little deeper into what he’s selling.


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5 thoughts on “Paul Ryan: ‘I Don’t Have The Time’ To Tell You How We’ll Pay For Our Tax Plan (VIDEO)

  1. He continues to sound like he believes that garbage. Ryan: “When we’ve cut the tax rates for everybody, we’ve created economic growth.” That’s what Bush did and the result was an unprecedented economic meltdown. To keep it from happening too fast, they loaned money in the form of mortgages to borrowers without collateral and sold them packaged up around the world. Result: world disaster. Germany saved themselves by bankrupting Ireland and conning other European countries with further disguised and repackaged mortgages. Yet Ryan continues to press a reengagement of the Bush practices when tax revenue is at its lowest GDP percentage since the income tax was passed. How do these people sleep at night. Heavy workouts?

  2. “he strikes me as nothing more than a snake-oil salesman who wants to dazzle folks with a slick presentation while hoping they’re too stupid to look a little deeper into what he’s selling.”

    Sounds like a winning strategy to me. You do realize that you just described Obama 2008 version, right?

  3. I’m not sure Ryan can be described as “slick”. He’s a politician who has run in a safe district and never faced a serious electoral challenge and so he breaks down under the national spotlight. He’s ready for tea time but not prime time.

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