‘They’ Want To Recall Robin Vos: Reprise

The ‘whack-jobs, morons and idiots’ as Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos addressed them, fell short in their effort to recall the GOP legislative leader. They just didn’t have enough valid signatures and even some of those that they have turned in seem to be fraudulent. I can’t say that I…

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Endorsement: Cavalier Johnson for Mayor of Milwaukee

Cavalier (Chevy) Johnson was elected Mayor of Milwaukee in a special election a few years ago to replace Mayor Tom Barrett who had been tapped by President Biden to be the ambassador to Luxembourg. I have known Chevy since 2011 as we met at Democratic Party functions and I donated…

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Thursday Music: Robert Plant and Alison Krauss: The Battle of Evermore (live)

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Spine Free Robin Vos Flip Flops On Trump

Just days after calling the right wing extremists who are trying to recall the Assembly Speaker because he hasn’t supported Donald Trump enough and didn’t overturn Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential election results, “whack jobs,” “morons” and “fraudsters”, Robin Vos turned around and endorsed Donald Trump for president. You do know Robin,…

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Thursday Music: The Beatles: Helter Skelter

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Are You Better Off Than Four Years Ago? The Dow Says Yes! Thank You Joe Biden!!

I stole this from social media after I vetted it…chart below: and four years ago: and as I finish this post:

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Why Is The Media Lending Any Bit Of Credibility To The Election In Russia By Seeming To Report It?

We all know it’s a sham. We know that Putin will win by a landslide. We know any actual opposition is either now dead, imprisoned, or in exile. Why is the media pretending there’s an actual election here?

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Wisconsin GOP Sets Up Conspiracy Complaint Repeat For 2024 Presidential Election Vote Tabulation

After the 2020 Presidential elections, as then President Donald Trump did everything he could to lie and cheat his way back into the White House, one major target in Wisconsin was a ‘vote dump’ or ‘ballot dump’ in the City of Milwaukee. After whining and bellyaching and lawsuits, it was…

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Taxes: Can We Get A Fact Check Here??

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Thursday Music: Freddie King: Sweet Home Chicago

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