Endorsement: Cavalier Johnson for Mayor of Milwaukee

Cavalier (Chevy) Johnson was elected Mayor of Milwaukee in a special election a few years ago to replace Mayor Tom Barrett who had been tapped by President Biden to be the ambassador to Luxembourg. I have known Chevy since 2011 as we met at Democratic Party functions and I donated to and supported all of his previous runs for office. He immediately impressed my as an intelligent and focused young man with a sincere love and concern for the city of Milwaukee.

from Cavalier Johnson’s campaign site

After being elected as a City of Milwaukee alderman, he quickly was elected Common Council president by his peers. It was only natural that the city would soon trust him with the Mayor’s Office.

Since his election, he has clearly followed up on his campaign promises…worked to fix financial issues with the city budget, personally lobbied Madison for state aid and assistance, kept the Brewers in town, worked to secure the Republican National Convention, and is working towards traffic calming and reducing reckless driving issues. But there is a lot on his plate that is just started or barely half done. He deserves his own full term in office to continue his work and the city of Milwaukee needs his talent in the Mayor’s office. And for the first time in several administrations, Milwaukee County and the City of Milwaukee seem to be working on the same page…which has been a real problem child in the past.

The non-partisan election for Milwaukee Mayor is April 2nd…so make sure you vote for Cavalier Johnson!


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