Paul Ryan for President and Other Nonsense

It’s surfacing on the Charlie Sykes Show, and promoted in The Weekly Standard, the publication where Bill Kristol promoted Sarah Palin so hard that John McCain fell into the whackjob trap (Kristol has already published love poetry to Paul Ryan and others).  The notion is in its infancy, but it should be rocking Wisconsin…

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Fiscal Conservatives — Whackjob Edition

Jeff Simpson has been writing about fiscal conservatives and their hypocritical stances.  The articles are wonderful (here’s the latest), and collected they will make a searing portrait of the GOP, from Ryan to FitzWalker and everyone in between.  I thought I’d go check out those in the GOP who give…

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David Duke as GOP Nominee: Will Anyone Notice the Difference?

David Duke is thinking of entering the race for the Republican nominee for President.  Sure, Huffpo noticed, and The Atlantic, The Daily Beast, and The Forward.  No word from the core of the mainstream media, and no word yet on how Mr. Duke will be received by either the Republican…

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