A Little Blasphemy Never Hurt Anyone!

At least, that must be what local right wing squawker James T. Harris must be telling himself as he continues to attempt to poke fun at supposed messianic leanings of Senator Barack Obama’s campaign message. However, Harris’ use of the term “Chocolate Jesus” got me to wondering: couldn’t calling Barack Obama “Chocolate Jesus” be considered blasphemy? Thankfully I had my Bible handy, as I always do for just these kinds of emergencies, so I consulted the Good Book, and lo and behold, I came across this passage from Exodus:

EXODUS 20:7 “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”

Now I’m no Biblical scholar, but even I have to believe referring to Senator Barack Obama as “Chocolate Jesus” constitutes ‘misuse’ of the name of the Lord, but apparently Jame T. Harris, the good Christian that he is, has a different (selective) interpretation of the Bible when it comes to blasphemy. After all, how else can he justify his near constant use of the term to describe Barack Obama? Google’s got 7 pages of links to James T. Harris using the term “Chocolate Jesus” to describe Barack Obama, and in my book, that’s a whole lot of blasphemy from one person.


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