More on the Cudahy Recall

I’ve spent a little time talking about the effort to recall Cudahy Mayor Ryan McCue, and some folks within the Cheddarsphere have been very vocal in their support of the effort to recall McCue, but I can’t stop wondering about something:

Are these same folks who are so intent on recalling Ryan McCue perfectly okay with spending taxpayer dollars to fund a special election, should the recall prove successful? In these times when local municipalities are finding their budgets stretched thin, do Cudahy’s taxpayers really want to see their money being spent on a special election because a group of citizens engaged in a recall effort that strikes me as being an incredibly petty and spiteful response to one of their elected officials casting a vote they don’t agree with?

After all, that’s really what this recall election is all about; a vote cast by Ryan McCue. This recall isn’t about inappropriate or objectionable behavior, nor is it about illegal or corrupt behavior by an elected official; it’s about a group of folks getting their collective undies in a bunch because they want a Wal-Mart in Cudahy, and they think everyone should agree with them. I only hope this vocal minority – and that’s exactly what they seem to be – get put in their place, and I hope Ryan McCue remains as Cudahy’s Mayor for the remainder of his original term.


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22 thoughts on “More on the Cudahy Recall

  1. So McCue USED to be a Republican? Come on. Just because he met Obama and said some good things about him doesn’t make him a Democrat.

    Here’s the thing. McCue is over his head in this political thing. If any of you knew him (I’ve known him since his days at UW-Oshkosh) he doesn’t deserve to be where he is. He got lucky. Because of his luck, he’s able to put some pretty good looking things on his resume and meet some great people along the way. If you would have asked him in 1997 what he would be doing in 10 years, he would have put down his flashlight that he used when he was a doorman at Molly’s in Oshkosh and probably would have told you he would be bartending at a bar in Milwaukee. I’m sure one of his frat brothers would have got him a job at some bar on Water St.

    I used to consider him a friend until his head got to be too big to even walk. I’m surprised he is able to walk upright with the size of his head. Should he be mayor? Absolutely not. Should be even be a politician? Are you kidding me?

    I moved to Cudahy in 2001 when I moved from Oshkosh. If I would have known McCue would eventually be the mayor, I wouldn’t have ever bought a house here. Now we just need to get through this. We need to make sure anything illegal McCue has done is found out and we need to get someone in the mayor office that has a clue. As for Ryan as a person. He’s a good guy, just not a good politician.

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