Former So. Milwaukee Mayoral Candidate to Stand Trial

This Just In…

As first reported on SouthMilwaukeeNOW, former South Milwaukee Mayoral candidate Jim Logic has been bound over for trial on a felony theft charge in connection with a cheese business he formerly operated. Logic is alleged to have set up a dummy corporation with a name remarkably similar to that of a company he worked for, and he stands accused of using that dummy corporation to cash a check worth roughly $28,000.

Now I suppose I should be shocked at the allegations against Logic, but considering some curious statements he’s made in the past, I’m not shocked at all:

Logic admits he’s a bit of a maverick compared to many involved in city government, but said he is results-oriented and looks for the shortest means to make something happen.

Now I know he’s innocent until proven guilty, but stealing money from your former employer sure does strike me as the “shortest means to make something happen.”

** On a side note, I have an interesting story about the 2004 South Milwaukee Mayoral election that ended in a tie. I happened to vote in that election, and when my wife came home from work that night, I asked her who she voted for. Her response? “I didn’t vote, and even if I had, my vote wouldn’t have mattered.” She learned a lesson that day about the importance of every vote, and I don’t think she’s missed an election since.


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