More European “lefties” support Obama???

This is a guest blog by Kevin:

Remember all the criticism from the Right when Obama spoke before 200,000 in Berlin this past May, and many in the crowd chanted his name?  For some conservatives, it was as though the fact that Europeans liked him was a reason, in and of itself, for Americans not to like (trust?) him.

Now comes this:  “The Economist does not have a vote, but if it did, it would cast it for Mr Obama. We do so wholeheartedly: the Democratic candidate has clearly shown that he offers the better chance of restoring America’s self-confidence.”

The Economist is well known for (and freely admits) its tendency to favor free market economics.  We’ll see if that stops some conservatives from employing their newfound favorite word — “socialist” — to refer to the 165 year old publication.


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1 thought on “More European “lefties” support Obama???

  1. Kevin, welcome to Blogging Blue!

    I think the endorsement of Sen. Obama by The Economist speaks volumes about the confidence most folks have in Sen. Obama’s ability to get our nation’s economy back on track.

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