Koschnick: campaigning on state time?

A little over a week ago, I wrote about how Judge Randy Koschnick has been using his office phone to make calls to organizations like the Wisconsin Family Council and a representative from Wisconsin Right to Life, presumably in regards to his burgeoning Supreme Court candidacy, and just a few days ago I wrote about Judge Koschnick’s fondness for appearing at partisan campaign events, despite being involved in a nonpartisan race, and despite the fact that judges in the State of Wisconsin are supposed to be nonpartisan.

Earlier today, Cory Liebmann over at the Eye On Wisconsin blog had a great writeup about more of Judge Koschnick’s questionable communications, including signing up for Google Alerts for the term “Koschnick Supreme” using his Wisconsin Courts emails address. Copy of the open records request result here.

As Cory over at EOW notes, at the very least Koschnick’s use of these resources and taxpayer funded time is questionable, and at worst it enters into an ethical “gray area” that should be avoided, especially given the ethics issues that have dogged the two most recent Justices elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.


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