Lawsuit material?

When you keep shaving the balloon, it will *POP*. Do the accusations in this advertisement *POP* the Libel and Slander Balloons?

These attack ads irritate me. Accusation without specifics. Fodder for the foolish. Does this ad cross the line between innuendo and false accusation?


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4 thoughts on “Lawsuit material?

  1. So…for some odd reasons I can’t see the videos that are being posted. Man…I hate computers!

  2. Okay…fixed the problem. I agree. I think anyone who is a victim of these kind of libelous attack ads should sue those responsible…although I know Judge Sonia Sotomayor won’t. She’s a little busy getting confirmed to the Supreme Court!!! Yea!

  3. Thanks, Rich, for pointing the way. I agree that people can make up their own minds when faced with facts. They can accept them or deny them or research the facts for accuracy before they make up their own minds.

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