Westlake on the Issues: Education

Installment four of my ongoing series exploring U.S. Senate candidate Dave Westlake’s ideas on the issues he believes Wisconsinites are concerned about will focus on education. In reading through Westlake’s beliefs on education, one thing becomes abundantly clear: he’s loathe to include specific plans on how he’d improve the quality of education our nation’s children receive. Sure, he talks vaguely about education “need[ing] to be competitive and be built on a system of incentives and rewards,” but that’s about as specific as he’s willing to get.

While Dave Westlake’s education “plan” is woefully short on any substance, a quick look at Senator Russ Feingold’s education page shows detail about what Sen. Feingold has accomplished, as well as what he believes in when it comes to education (small class sizes, local control over education, etc.).


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2 thoughts on “Westlake on the Issues: Education

  1. You wrote: “Sure, he talks vaguely about education “need[ing] to be competitive and be built on a system of incentives and rewards,”…

    Incentives and rewards? What the heck does that mean? Some kind of government pay-off for good grades?

    The independent streak in me just buzzed a warning…

    1. PB, I wondered the same thing. There’s a program in Washington, D.C. in which the school gives kids cash money for good grades. Not sure if that’s what Westlake has in mind, but I’m skeptical of any kind of “cash for grades” program.

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