Is this guy an idiot or what?!?!?

In a press release issued yesterday, U.S. Senate candidate Dave Westlake touted the roll-out of his campaign’s new website (replacing the site that looked like it was straight out of 1996), while in the process leveling an attack against incumbent Senator Russ Feingold for Feingold’s use of two out-of-state firms for his internet site. In the press release, Westlake is quoted as saying, “I think that if you want to be a leader and represent the good people of Wisconsin, the least you could do is show confidence in their capabilities and support their efforts to live the American Dream.”

Now here’s what’s interesting about Dave Westlake’s comments: while he’s attacking Sen. Feingold for using out-of-state companies for Sen. Feingold’s website, Dave Westlake himself is using out-of-state companies in his own Senate campaign. According to Westlake’s FEC report for the last reporting period, the Westlake for Senate campaign paid, based in Hygiene, Colorado, over $450 during the last reporting period for “campaign stickers and supplies.” Westlake’s campaign also spent $396.98, based in Lexington, Massachusetts, for “campaign materials,” “business cards,” and “stickers/advertising material.”

So if Dave Westlake is really as concerned about keeping jobs in Wisconsin as he says he is, why didn’t he use Wisconsin-based companies for his campaign stickers, business cards, and advertising material? After all, there’s no shortage of good print shops here in Wisconsin, and if Dave Westlake and his campaign staff need a few suggestions on good print shops, just email me or give me a call; I’d be happy to make a few suggestions.

And one final thought: if Dave Westlake really wants to “[B]e a leader and represent the good people of Wisconsin, the least [he] could do is show confidence in their capabilities and support their efforts to live the American Dream,” and that extends to Wisconsin’s fine print shops, many of which I’m sure have experience dealing with political campaigns, even campaigns as small as Dave Westlake’s U.S. Senate campaign.


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