Obama calls Kanye a jackass

By now you’ve probably heard the account of President Barack Obama referring to Kanye West as a “jackass” because of West’s actions at the MTV Video Music Awards, but if you haven’t, here’s a Tweet from Terry Moran of ABC News in regards to President Obama’s remark:

TerryMoran: Pres. Obama just called Kanye West a “jackass” for his outburst at VMAs when Taylor Swift won. Now THAT’S presidential.

about 15 hours ago from web

President Obama’s remark about Kanye West was made during an off-the-record portion of an interview with CNBC, and following the Tweet ABC news issued a statement explaining the situation and apologizing to the president.

So here’s my question:
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7 thoughts on “Obama calls Kanye a jackass

  1. Haha…I thought it was funny when I heard that he said this (and I agree with him).

    What if Big Bad Bush or Darth Cheney had said this days after West’s “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” quip? I still would have thought it was funny…

  2. Of course we all agree with his comment, but why would I be glad to have a President who knows who Kanye West is? Shouldn’t he have better things to do than follow shallow media/MTV controversies?

    I wonder what you all would have thought if President Bush was caught off camera calling Kanye a jackass after he said that Bush didn’t care about black people.

    What does it say when everyone is more outraged about him snagging a microphone from a mediocre irrlevant singer than him making a very offensive statement about the President? Kanye was a jackass then and he is one now.

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