A few notes on the tea partiers in Washington

Tea party supporters descended on Washington, D.C. today* to voice their disapproval of Democratic health care reform legislation, and during the festivities, House Minority Leader John Boehner got the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence confused, while Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri managed to botch the Pledge of Allegiance. Akin is reported to have urged the crowd to join him in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance because it “drives the liberals crazy.”

The Pledge of Allegiance doesn’t drive this liberal crazy, but what does drive me crazy is a conservative who attacks liberals for disliking the Pledge while said conservative can’t even get the pledge right.

Perhaps Reps. Boehner and Akin should brush up on their basic civics before they attempt to lecture others. After all, we wouldn’t want them looking like jackasses, would we?

* No doubt numbering in the millions!


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5 thoughts on “A few notes on the tea partiers in Washington

  1. The Pledge of Allegiance drives liberals crazy?

    Few things make me angrier than being called unpatriotic. It couldn’t be any further from the truth. I’d like to tell Akin that, but I doubt he listens well.

    1. So…are you saying if you don’t like the Pledge of Allegiance you are unpatriotic? I do find it ironic the teabaggers would be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance though…considering how many of them would love to overthrow the current government.

      1. Saying that liberals hate the Pledge is essentially saying liberals are unpatriotic. Which I resent.

        Right on Zach.

    2. Jim, I agree 100%. I’m as patriotic as the next guy, and I resent being told I’m less of a patriot simply because of my beliefs.

  2. NOOOOOO — not the Pledge of Allegiance!! How did they know that was the kryptonite that makes all liberals and lefties weep?!!

    Er, no. In fact, it would not make me do that at all. When it’s proper time to recite it, I’ll do it, just as I did every day in grade school.

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