Russ Feingold hasn’t had a bad week; conservatives are just making hay

If you listen to some conservatives, you’d think Senator Russ Feingold had a really bad week. First there was a poll that showed Sen. Feingold trailing former governor Tommy Thompson, then there was the allegation Sen. Feingold left a radio interview in a huff. At face value, it sure might seem like Sen. Feingold had a bad week, given what’s being written, but scratch the surface and it becomes plainly obvious Sen. Feingold’s week wasn’t really that bad.

While a poll showing Sen. Feingold trailing a Republican might seem like bad news, I can help but question any poll of a fictitious matchup between Feingold and Thompson while ignoring (perhaps conveniently) the fact that there are two Republicans already running for the United States Senate. As Feingold spokesman Trevor Miller pointed out to the Journal Sentinel, the context of the poll is based solidly in fantasy. “In order for this poll to be real,” he told the paper in an e-mail, “you have to believe in three things that aren’t: Tommy Thompson isn’t in the Republican Party primary, he hasn’t won it, and the election isn’t today – it’s ten months from now.” What I find most curious about the Rasmussen poll is the fact that not one of Sen. Feingold’s actual opponents – Terrence Wall or Dave Westlake – was included in the poll. If I had to venture a guess as to why Wall and Westlake weren’t included in Rasmussen’s poll, I’d say it’s likely because neither is polling within ten points of Sen. Feingold, taking all the drama out of a race that some conservatives have said may be ripe for a Republican victory.

As to Sen. Feingold’s abbreviated appearance on Earl Ingram’s show on WMCS on Wednesday, I’m not exactly sure why conservatives have their collective undies in a bunch about Sen. Feingold being called away from the interview, considering Earl Ingram isn’t the least bit bothered that Sen. Feingold needed to step away unexpectedly:

Just to clear up a few things, I have been in touch with the senators press people this morning, we had a great conversation about a myriad of subjects. Let me be clear to the community, the senator was called to a meeting. I have no reason to believe otherwise. He will be appearing on the “evening rush” in the near future. To set the record straight, I contacted the senator on behalf of the mass suffering of our people. We talked about 60% black male unemployment. We will talk about everything that impacts our community. For those of you who don’t know me I am a free black man, a man who is free of shackles and chains, No one controls what comes from my mouth. In time you will come to see this. My program will be information as well as on the cutting edge. “”Senator Feingold has agreed to continue our conversation TODAY at 3pm” PEACE

It’s worth noting Sen. Feingold went back on WMCS at the top of Ingram’s show on Thursday and spoke with Earl Ingram for another ten minutes, so clearly conservatives are making much ado about nothing.

H/T to Pundit Nation and the Brew City Brawler.


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12 thoughts on “Russ Feingold hasn’t had a bad week; conservatives are just making hay

      1. Yeah, and how long have his ratings been falling? Well over 6 months. The trends don’t lie. I’d call his defeat a long shot at the moment, but it’s shaping up to be a far more competitive race than anyone would have guessed.

        I reiterate I would still be happy to see him go as he gives Wisconsin a bad name.

          1. Because of his far-left positions on issues like the economy, gun control, immigration, foreign policy, education reform, abortion, homeland security, and job growth that are out of step with the moderate stance of the majority of Wisconsinites and the rest of the country.

            1. Joe, if Sen. Feingold’s so out of step with the majority of Wisconsinites, how did he win the majority of votes from Wisconsinites during the last three U.S. Senate elections?

  1. Why all the talk about Westlake and Wall and no mention of The Constitution Party of Wisconsin candidate Rob Taylor. Rob has the ideas for the kind of change we need to replace Feingold.

      1. Zach, do you mean to tell me you don’t see 2010 as the year of the Constitution Party uprising?

        1. No, I don’t. Sure, the Constitution Party candidates may get more votes than in years past, but I still don’t see any third party candidate winning any statewide race in Wisconsin.

  2. Zach,
    It seems as if you really are sticking up for Feingold, take a closer look, he’s screwing Wisconsin just as bad as his friend Doyle. Feingold has to get out now!!!!!!!

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