What’s wrong with this picture?

What’s wrong with this picture?

It’s worth noting the man holding that classy sign is none other than Dale Robertson, the head of TeaParty.org, one of the founders of the tea party movement.

H/T to capper.


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35 thoughts on “What’s wrong with this picture?

  1. Well….apparently he couldn’t spell the slur correctly the first time and needed to paste/patch a correction over it.

    That has always been my pet peeve….if you are going use and stand by your right to use an offensive slur…at least learn how to spell it.

      1. yep…you would not believe how many times I have had to tell people it is two g’s and an “o” not an “i” as I am entering PrideFest….

        bigotry is never acceptable, but plain stupidity is inexcusable.

  2. Hmmm… You may want to research this guy a little better before you post about his affiliation with the tea party movement……. Just sayin’

    1. What’s there to research, E?

      The “About Us” page on TeaParty.org lists Robertson as, “the Founder of the modern day Tea Party and also President of TeaParty.org”

      What am I missing about his affiliation with the tea party movement?

      Just sayin’.

      1. So when asked in a previous post when you were going to follow up you said:
        “These things don’t happen instantly. I’m dotting all the I’s and crossing all the T’s, so that it’s just perfect!” (Of course I’m sure there probably isn’t a post coming.)
        Then on this post you pull a Dan Rather…. excellent…

        1. E, I’m still waiting for you to cite specific examples of what I got wrong.

          Is that not Dale Robertson in that photo?

          Is he not the “founder of the modern day Tea Party and also President of TeaParty.org?”

          What exactly did I get wrong, E?

          I look forward to your reply citing specific examples.

          1. I found the information in about 2 minutes using GOOGLE. Are you unable to get to that site? This isn’t my blog or my post. I’m not reporting the inaccuracies.. Do your job as a blogger and post the facts or don’t post…….

    1. Lori, if you’re missing the point, then I simply don’t know what to tell you. The point should be pretty obvious to anyone with any sense.

    2. Lori… The point is that Zach can cherry pick photos to find one that can fill a blog post and try to make the Tea Party movement look bad but he does so without research thus rendering the post factually inaccurate. But then again….. It’s never about those pesky facts now is it?

  3. Aside from the slur, I don’t understand the sign. Is the first word supposed to be “Congress”? And how does each of those things equal another? Or am I asking too much that it make sense?

    1. The first word is “Congress.”

      Apparently Congress is akin to slave owners while taxpayers are….well…you know the rest. I’m not really sure of the logic there, but apparently it makes sense to the guy who made the sign.

    1. I’ll do the work for you Zach….
      From Houstontps.org…. the REAL movement in Houston….

      In response to questions we have received regarding Dale Robertson and his involvement with HoustonTPS, and specifically in reference to his attendance at our rally on 27 Feb 2009, we would like to state that:

      1. He is NOT a member of our Leadership team.

      2. He owns a website with which we have never been affiliated.

      3. He has never been a part of organizing any of the Tea Party rallies in the Houston area, or any other area that we can find.

      4. We addressed some issues involving him back in April. Here it is on our website, where Mr. Robertson himself comments: http://houstontps.org/?p=318

      5. We do not choose to associate with people that use his type of disgusting language.

      ta daaaaa….

  4. Ewwwwwwww. Nice try. If I bought the domain Bloggingblue.org and called my self the president of Blogging Blue and said I started Blogging Blue and was responsible for the content of Blogging Blue even though you disagreed with everything I wrote, would you research my background? Would you post the truth? I guess not.

    1. It’s not my fault these far-right fringe groups are sprouting up like weeds.

      As to your assertion Dale Robertson isn’t a part of the REAL tea party movement, who’s to say who’s a part of the REAL tea party movement and who isn’t? For all we know, Dale Robertson is the leader of the REAL tea party movement in Houston, as opposed to these other folks.

      Ultimately, Dale Robertson identifies himself as being a part of the tea party movement, and that’s really all that matters.

      1. Okay Zach…. Just put your hands over your ears and la la la la la … Any credibility you may have had is oozing down the drain.

  5. So the people from “Houston Tea Party Society” do not “affiliate” with the guy from “TeaParty.org”. Dale is the guy getting the news cameras in his face and his is talking under the banner of the tea party movement. Within every movement there are the fringe elements the mainstream do not want to be affiliated with, but the party cannot escape it. If the mainstream of the tea party movement do not want to be affiliated with this guy, get on camera and say so. Until someone takes a leadership position within the tea party movement, there will be a power struggle and they will have to put up with the less desirable elements.

    I didn’t realize blogging blue was a grassroots movement. Your attempt at a comparison is poor at best. If a supporter of the tea party movement cannot see the difference between teaparty.org and houstontps.org they have serious problems. When I first say houstontps.org I thought it was a reference to Office Space.

    1. Supporters of the TEA Party movement CAN see the difference….. It’s Zach that’s having the problem. The post that was linked showed an extensive explanation of Dale’s non-affiliation to their group or cause. This was posted back in April and is old news. The post that I added here was their lasted reminder of the facts about Dale Robertson. The comparo to Blogging Blue had nothing to do with grass roots organizing and everything to with the ease being able to buy an available domain that could be considered to be an affiliation with something it’s not.
      I understand Zach and doesn’t like the TEA Party movement but he should at least be truthful about what he’s posting. Posting this then denying what’s really happening shreds credibility. There is no shame in making an error and updating the post to reflect the change. I do realize that this is not a mainstream media outlet and mistakes can be corrected….. I’ve made mistakes at my house and even if I didn’t like the out come, I changed it and apologized.

    2. “If the mainstream of the tea party movement do not want to be affiliated with this guy, get on camera and say so. Until someone takes a leadership position within the tea party movement, there will be a power struggle and they will have to put up with the less desirable elements.”

      LSTW…you are so right.

      1. This issue was addressed last April. This power struggle you speak of is only in the minds of the people who are trying to gin up descent.

  6. I was just told by a tea party person…that the tea patriots are NOT the real deal…they are too liberal

    now…I want to know..where do I do to find info on teaparty? if not the teaparty.org of which this guy dale is head of…

  7. Zach,

    You are really so immature. Did you know this man was expelled from the Tea Party? I knew you would accuse the Tea Party and by default everyone associated with the Tea Party of being racist. It just took a little prompting from me and just like that you do what the left has done for decades now.

    Here is true racism for you:




    I could go on all day. We are the party of Lincoln, conservatives not liberals pushed through the civil rights act…..

    Could you people please git over the racist accusations and make an argument on merit!

    1. How can he be expelled from the Tea Party, considering the Tea Party isn’t one organized group, but rather a collection of smaller groups, as you and the other TP folks have pointed out.

      As for the links you posted, for every link you’ve posted, I can post an equal number to examples of racism from the right.

      1. Ok, go ahead, post something Dick Cheney said that was racist! Post something George Bush or Ronald Reagan said that was racist.

        See you just refuted what you and the left have been insinuating that only conservatives are racist. There are plenty of democrats (I am sure no progressives) within the Tea Party.

        Again, refute my claims that conservatives pushed through the civil rights act with resistance from the left. Tell me somehow that Lincoln was not a conservative. Tell me that Robert Byrd was the only member of congress in the last 50 years who was also a member of the KKK!

        See it is liberals who are racist. I believe that now matter what your color, in America you can achieve anything. Liberals believe that there are certain groups of people who no matter how hard they try without the help of the government and other peoples money… well they just can’t make it. Tell me that attitude is not racist!

        1. Zach’s real point with this sign, (and as is clear from all the grammar in the comments) is that Democrats are the party of education — and opportunity.

        2. Ronald Reagan was opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. What’s more, Reagan as president tried to weaken the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

          Oh, and here’s Saint Ronnie talking about the Fair Housing Act:

          “If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, he has a right to do so.”

          Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, while not necessarily a confirmed member of the KKK, was definitely a racist, having once said, “I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there’s not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the n—-r race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches.”

          1. Zach,

            The point is you cannot pigeon hole conservatives as racists while liberals claim purity and propose to be the only ambassadors of freedom and liberty for minorities.

            Again, who pushed through the civil rights act, conservatives or liberals?. Who fraught the most costly war in our history to free the black people of this country?

  8. Conservatives did not pass the civil rights act nor did they fight the civil war lets get real here. Republicans helped pass the civil rights act because of all of the racist dixiecrats who then left the party and joined the republicans.

    As for Lincoln and fighting the civil war. there was a 20 year or so window there where the Republicans were a progressive party taken over by sanity before the robber barons retook the party. Abe Lincoln would be disgusted over what the republican party has evolved into….

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