T. Wall sees a silver lining in a possible Senate run by Thompson

Anyone who knows me knows I’m an optimist, and apparently so is Republican U.S. Senate candidate Terrence Wall. When asked his thoughts on the possibility of a U.S. Senate run by former governor Tommy Thompson, Wall found the silver lining in the situation, noting all the speculation about a possible Thompson run takes the heat off of Wall:

“As long as Governor Thompson the slight possibility of getting in, my opponent Russ Feingold is not going to spend a lot of commercial or radio time attacking me,” said Madison real estate developer Terrence Wall.

As James Wigderson noted over at his blog, if the best Terrence Wall can say about Tommy Thompson getting into the race for Senate is that everyone will stop picking on him, then perhaps Terrence Wall doesn’t belong in the race in the first place.

H/T to Wiggy.


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4 thoughts on “T. Wall sees a silver lining in a possible Senate run by Thompson

  1. Has anybody looked into Tommy!’s income tax returns over the past several years? It would be interesting to see if he’s as savvy as T. Wall when it comes to sheltering his income.

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